1、When installing the product, install it into the same location on the file system as the deployment manager system.───当安装产品时,将该产品安装到文件XiTong上与部署管理器XiTong相同的位置。
2、Can anyone suggest how I can keep my location manager object alway running.───有人建议我可以保持我的位置管理器对象总是跑。
3、An application framework that agnostically exposes system services to the application layer, including the window manager and location manager, content providers, telephony, and sensors.───一个应用框架向应用层显示所有XiTong服务,包括窗口管理和位置管理,内容提供,电话和传感器。
4、Allows an application to install a location provider int the location Manager.───允许应用程序程序安装一个位置服务到位置管理器。
location manager(意思翻译)
location manager(相似词语短语)
1、lobby manager───大堂经理
2、deputy manager───[经管]副经理
3、colosseum location───斗兽场位置
4、diaphysis location───骨干位置
5、cata location───cata位置
6、sale manager───销售经理
9、manager of───公司经理
location manager(双语使用场景)
1、When installing the product, install it into the same location on the file system as the deployment manager system.───当安装产品时,将该产品安装到文件XiTong上与部署管理器XiTong相同的位置。
2、Can anyone suggest how I can keep my location manager object alway running.───有人建议我可以保持我的位置管理器对象总是跑。
3、An application framework that agnostically exposes system services to the application layer, including the window manager and location manager, content providers, telephony, and sensors.───一个应用框架向应用层显示所有XiTong服务,包括窗口管理和位置管理,内容提供,电话和传感器。
4、Allows an application to install a location provider int the location Manager.───允许应用程序程序安装一个位置服务到位置管理器。