1、The invention employs raw base and so the production cost is reduced.───采用原碱,降低了生产成本。
2、employs raw base and so the production cost is reduced.───采用原碱,降低了生产成本。
3、Energy or industrial base, it is not only power, and some still important chemical raw material.───能源还是工业的基础,它不仅是动力,有的还是重要的化工原料。
4、If the base table to which the data is loaded from the external table is defined to be a RAW table without indexes, the IDS server USES light appends to load the data.───如果将从外部表加载数据所到的基表定义为不带索引的raw表,则IDS服务器将使用“轻追加法”加载数据。
raw base(意思翻译)
raw base(相似词语短语)
1、sensei raw───霜冻之蓝
3、cacoxenite raw───粗碳酸钙石
4、cerussite raw───白云石生
5、raw materials───原料,原材料
8、raw emotions───原始的情感
9、raw deal───n.不公平的待遇;不公平待遇
raw base(双语使用场景)
1、The invention employs raw base and so the production cost is reduced.───采用原碱,降低了生产成本。
2、employs raw base and so the production cost is reduced.───采用原碱,降低了生产成本。
3、Energy or industrial base, it is not only power, and some still important chemical raw material.───能源还是工业的基础,它不仅是动力,有的还是重要的化工原料。
4、If the base table to which the data is loaded from the external table is defined to be a RAW table without indexes, the IDS server USES light appends to load the data.───如果将从外部表加载数据所到的基表定义为不带索引的raw表,则IDS服务器将使用“轻追加法”加载数据。