1、The last truck was acquired by a private collector, who goes out in it from time to time to demolish buildings in his neighborhood for fun and profit.───上一辆被一位私人收藏家收购了,他时常坐这辆车出行,摧毁邻里的建筑物,并从中获取乐趣和收益。
2、Features road roller, delivery truck and lots of fun accessories!───压路机的特点,运送卡车和大量配件的乐趣!
fun truck(意思翻译)
fun truck(相似词语短语)
1、dumper truck───倾卸车;自卸货车,翻斗车
3、hand truck───手推平车;人力搬运车辆;杠杆式手推车;手推运货车
4、truck car───转向架车辆
5、food truck───流动餐车;美食车;快餐车
7、fun fun fun───好玩好玩好玩
8、concrete truck───混凝土混合料输送车
9、refuse truck───垃圾汽车
fun truck(双语使用场景)
1、The last truck was acquired by a private collector, who goes out in it from time to time to demolish buildings in his neighborhood for fun and profit.───上一辆被一位私人收藏家收购了,他时常坐这辆车出行,摧毁邻里的建筑物,并从中获取乐趣和收益。
2、Features road roller, delivery truck and lots of fun accessories!───压路机的特点,运送卡车和大量配件的乐趣!