1、Check all items in the checklist such as test of content of oxygen test of explosion point exploded-proof lamp good ventilation.───核对检查单并检查所有项目,如测量氧气含量,检验爆炸点,防爆灯和通风。
2、The highest temperature-and thus the brightest light-that an incandescent lamp can achieve is the melting point of its tungsten filament.───一盏白炽灯所能达到的最高温度——即最大亮度——是其钨丝熔点的温度。
3、Point, a lamp for someone else to give light to others, also lit up yourself.───为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。
point lamp(意思翻译)
point lamp(相似词语短语)
1、projection lamp───投射灯;投光灯
2、jellyfish lamp───水母灯
3、lamp ho───灯ho
4、lamp post───灯柱,灯杆;灯柱,照明柱
6、reading lamp───n.台灯
7、lamp cover───灯盖;灯罩
8、lamp out───熄灯
9、carbide lamp───[矿业]矿用电石灯;电石灯;电石灯,矿用电石灯
point lamp(双语使用场景)
1、Check all items in the checklist such as test of content of oxygen test of explosion point exploded-proof lamp good ventilation.───核对检查单并检查所有项目,如测量氧气含量,检验爆炸点,防爆灯和通风。
2、The highest temperature-and thus the brightest light-that an incandescent lamp can achieve is the melting point of its tungsten filament.───一盏白炽灯所能达到的最高温度——即最大亮度——是其钨丝熔点的温度。
3、Point, a lamp for someone else to give light to others, also lit up yourself.───为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。