1、flies. A miracle: a gentle puff of your warm breath will resuscitate the flies.───苍蝇吹活。你温热的呼吸能使苍蝇复活,好神奇!
2、Xerox thinks it has hit on something big to breathe life into the ailing market for high-volume office printers: It's called color.───施乐认为,公司已偶然发现了为大容量办公打印机不景气市场带来活力的热门事物,这就是彩色。
3、We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines.───我们获取化石能源,我们将生命活性植入机器。
4、Life is not the moment that you breathe, life is the moment that take your breath away.───生活的意义不是你活着,而是那些令你丝丝心动的时刻。
5、Rafa Benitez will attempt to breathe life into Liverpool's crumbling season by making a move for Patrick Vieira.───拉法贝尼特斯打算用维埃拉来为利物浦崩溃的赛季注入一些活力。
6、According to an analyst who spoke with Reuters, Dell may be "grasping at straws" in an attempt to breathe life into its tablet business.───据路透社一名分析家称,戴尔希望“抓住这根救命稻草”以挽救他的平板业务。
7、In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Australia and Canada) governments are trying to breathe life into property.───大多数发达国家(少数例外如澳大利亚、加拿大)的政府在试图给房地产业注入活力。
8、Each is in love with a statuesque vision, a set of ideals or dreams that they have sought to breathe life into.───每一个都和他们所寻求的要注入活力的一个雕像般视野、一整套的理想或梦想紧紧连接。
breathe life(英语使用场景)
1、After the marriage, though, she wants to breathe life into their dry, platonic relationship.
2、Now they each had a picture which they examined and re-examined, trying to breathe life into the two-dimensional image.
3、Voice over David is determined to breathe life back into an estate nursery that was once one of the finest in Gloucestershire.
4、Belliustin called upon the tsar to circumvent the ecclesiastical hierarchy and breathe life into the clerical estate.
5、It is the readers who breathe life into a newspaper with their letters.
6、Nowadays its iterations undergird the entire internet and breathe life into most mobile devices, whether based on Google's Android or Apple's iOS.
7、The deal aims to breathe life into the stationer's e-business efforts.
8、We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines.
9、We need some new people to breathe life into this project.
breathe life(意思翻译)
breathe life(相似词语短语)
1、breathe freely───安心,松一口气; 透气;透气;安心
2、breathe easy───呼吸通畅;松一口气;安心;安心,松一口气
3、breathe fire───盛怒,暴怒
5、breathe slow───慢慢呼吸
6、breathe into───注入;把气息送入[呼入]; 使复苏
7、deep breathe───深呼吸
8、breathe me───呼吸我
9、breathe out───呼气; 呼出; 呼吸时吐出; 说出
breathe life(双语使用场景)
1、flies. A miracle: a gentle puff of your warm breath will resuscitate the flies.───苍蝇吹活。你温热的呼吸能使苍蝇复活,好神奇!
2、Xerox thinks it has hit on something big to breathe life into the ailing market for high-volume office printers: It's called color.───施乐认为,公司已偶然发现了为大容量办公打印机不景气市场带来活力的热门事物,这就是彩色。
3、We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines.───我们获取化石能源,我们将生命活性植入机器。
4、Life is not the moment that you breathe, life is the moment that take your breath away.───生活的意义不是你活着,而是那些令你丝丝心动的时刻。
5、Rafa Benitez will attempt to breathe life into Liverpool's crumbling season by making a move for Patrick Vieira.───拉法贝尼特斯打算用维埃拉来为利物浦崩溃的赛季注入一些活力。
6、According to an analyst who spoke with Reuters, Dell may be "grasping at straws" in an attempt to breathe life into its tablet business.───据路透社一名分析家称,戴尔希望“抓住这根救命稻草”以挽救他的平板业务。
7、In most developed countries (with a few exceptions, such as Australia and Canada) governments are trying to breathe life into property.───大多数发达国家(少数例外如澳大利亚、加拿大)的政府在试图给房地产业注入活力。
8、Each is in love with a statuesque vision, a set of ideals or dreams that they have sought to breathe life into.───每一个都和他们所寻求的要注入活力的一个雕像般视野、一整套的理想或梦想紧紧连接。
breathe life(英语使用场景)
1、After the marriage, though, she wants to breathe life into their dry, platonic relationship.
2、Now they each had a picture which they examined and re-examined, trying to breathe life into the two-dimensional image.
3、Voice over David is determined to breathe life back into an estate nursery that was once one of the finest in Gloucestershire.
4、Belliustin called upon the tsar to circumvent the ecclesiastical hierarchy and breathe life into the clerical estate.
5、It is the readers who breathe life into a newspaper with their letters.
6、Nowadays its iterations undergird the entire internet and breathe life into most mobile devices, whether based on Google's Android or Apple's iOS.
7、The deal aims to breathe life into the stationer's e-business efforts.
8、We harness fossil energy and breathe life into machines.
9、We need some new people to breathe life into this project.