1、Keeper Emily Pugh , 22, said Kera was already settling in well with the zoo's other gorillas.───22岁的艾米丽说,凯娜已经和这里的篮球运动服其它大猩猩相处的很好了。
2、Glen Johnson seems to be settling in well and he did a good job on the left for 45 minutes, didn't he?───约翰逊看起来非常适应利物浦,45分钟他在左路发挥不错,对不?
3、Settling in well is all about self-esteem.───能否很好地适应取决于自尊心。
4、The 25-year-old moved to the Emirates Stadium from Borussia Dortmund before the World Cup and is settling in well to life in England.───这位25岁的捷克中场球员在世界杯前从多特蒙德来到了酋长球场并且很快安排好了在英国的生活。
5、In most regards, I feel I am settling in well, but I still feel that the tone of my e-mails is not quite right.───在大多数情况下,我都自以为适应得不错,但仍感觉我在电子邮件里的语气不太对劲。
6、I'm settling in well, but I know how difficult it will be to become first choice here due to the squad competition.───我在这里很好,但是我也很清楚竞争一个主力位置是多么的困难。
7、Despite the weirdness, it seems that the Obamas are settling down well in the White House.───不考虑这些怪事的话,奥巴马一家在白宫过得看上去还不错。
8、Behavior was well understood, but the design teams were not settling on a comprehensive approach — in other words, the organization lacked a well-thought-out architecture.───行为了解好了,但设计团队没确定综合方案——换句话说,组织缺少考虑周全的架构。
settling in well(英语使用场景)
1、Keeper Emily Pugh , 22, said Kera was already settling in well with the zoo's other gorillas.
settling in well(意思翻译)
settling in well(相似词语短语)
1、well well well───很好很好
2、settling down───定居;安定下来;专心于
3、in well───井中
4、hindered settling───干扰沉降,阻滞沉落;沉降受阻;受阻沉降
5、settling gas───沉降气体
6、settling definition───结算定义
8、settling in───v.迁入
9、well in───n.(Wellin)人名;(瑞典)韦林
settling in well(双语使用场景)
1、Keeper Emily Pugh , 22, said Kera was already settling in well with the zoo's other gorillas.───22岁的艾米丽说,凯娜已经和这里的篮球运动服其它大猩猩相处的很好了。
2、Glen Johnson seems to be settling in well and he did a good job on the left for 45 minutes, didn't he?───约翰逊看起来非常适应利物浦,45分钟他在左路发挥不错,对不?
3、Settling in well is all about self-esteem.───能否很好地适应取决于自尊心。
4、The 25-year-old moved to the Emirates Stadium from Borussia Dortmund before the World Cup and is settling in well to life in England.───这位25岁的捷克中场球员在世界杯前从多特蒙德来到了酋长球场并且很快安排好了在英国的生活。
5、In most regards, I feel I am settling in well, but I still feel that the tone of my e-mails is not quite right.───在大多数情况下,我都自以为适应得不错,但仍感觉我在电子邮件里的语气不太对劲。
6、I'm settling in well, but I know how difficult it will be to become first choice here due to the squad competition.───我在这里很好,但是我也很清楚竞争一个主力位置是多么的困难。
7、Despite the weirdness, it seems that the Obamas are settling down well in the White House.───不考虑这些怪事的话,奥巴马一家在白宫过得看上去还不错。
8、Behavior was well understood, but the design teams were not settling on a comprehensive approach — in other words, the organization lacked a well-thought-out architecture.───行为了解好了,但设计团队没确定综合方案——换句话说,组织缺少考虑周全的架构。
settling in well(英语使用场景)
1、Keeper Emily Pugh , 22, said Kera was already settling in well with the zoo's other gorillas.