1、Now the galaxy is full of gas and dust, which could hide a distant supernova optically, but the remnant would still produce detectable radio waves and X-rays.───现在,星系充满了气体和灰尘,掩盖了遥远的超新星的可见性,但是(它的)残骸依然放射出可检测的无线电波和X射线。
2、The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.───收音机以最大音量播放摇滚乐。
3、The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe.───收音机里关于货船在大西洋被德国U型潜艇击沉的消息满天飞,爱德华·R·默罗不时从伦敦发来报道,那里正遭受德国空袭。
full radio(意思翻译)
full radio(相似词语短语)
1、drail radio───德雷尔无线电
3、radio play───广播剧
4、uhf radio───超高频无线电
5、music radio───音乐之声
6、radio waves───[电子]无线电波
7、radio wave───n.无线电波
8、small radio───小型收音机
full radio(双语使用场景)
1、Now the galaxy is full of gas and dust, which could hide a distant supernova optically, but the remnant would still produce detectable radio waves and X-rays.───现在,星系充满了气体和灰尘,掩盖了遥远的超新星的可见性,但是(它的)残骸依然放射出可检测的无线电波和X射线。
2、The radio blasted out rock music at full volume.───收音机以最大音量播放摇滚乐。
3、The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe.───收音机里关于货船在大西洋被德国U型潜艇击沉的消息满天飞,爱德华·R·默罗不时从伦敦发来报道,那里正遭受德国空袭。