1、A modified parallel section method was introduced according to the characteristics of laser hardening.───根据激光强化的工艺特性,从优化的角度出发,提出了一种基于平行截面法的改进算法。
2、In this section, you'll perform parallel development.───在本节中,你将进行并行开发。
3、Plane irons with parallel section for reform planes───修形平行截面刨刀
4、If many isometry parallel sections of samples, the ct image of every parallel section by analysing and sampling can be taken and the accurate 3d model of histology by computer can be rebuild.───若摄取样木的数十、成百个平行切片,依次逐步分析并采样得到的各平行切片的CT图象,运用计算机就可重建其组织结构的准确的三维模型。
5、Multiple instances of that application can be dispatched using the Parallel Job Manager (PJM), where each partition processes a different section of the data.───该应用程序的多个实例可以使用并行作业管理器(PJM)来进行分派,其中各个分区处理不同的数据部分。
parallel section(英语使用场景)
1、A parallel section contains a series of emails, notes and instructions President Havel wrote to his advisers and officials about day-to-day affairs in Czech politics.
2、If many isometry parallel sections of samples, the CT image of every parallel section by analysing and sampling can be taken and the accurate 3d model of histology by computer can be rebuild.
parallel section(意思翻译)
parallel section(相似词语短语)
1、parallel circuit───[电]并联电路,平行电路
3、section member───部门成员;科员
4、fridge section───冰箱部分
5、parallel parking───纵列式停车
6、parallel park───平行停车
7、bakery section───烘焙区
9、headland section───地头剖面
parallel section(双语使用场景)
1、A modified parallel section method was introduced according to the characteristics of laser hardening.───根据激光强化的工艺特性,从优化的角度出发,提出了一种基于平行截面法的改进算法。
2、In this section, you'll perform parallel development.───在本节中,你将进行并行开发。
3、Plane irons with parallel section for reform planes───修形平行截面刨刀
4、If many isometry parallel sections of samples, the ct image of every parallel section by analysing and sampling can be taken and the accurate 3d model of histology by computer can be rebuild.───若摄取样木的数十、成百个平行切片,依次逐步分析并采样得到的各平行切片的CT图象,运用计算机就可重建其组织结构的准确的三维模型。
5、Multiple instances of that application can be dispatched using the Parallel Job Manager (PJM), where each partition processes a different section of the data.───该应用程序的多个实例可以使用并行作业管理器(PJM)来进行分派,其中各个分区处理不同的数据部分。
parallel section(英语使用场景)
1、A parallel section contains a series of emails, notes and instructions President Havel wrote to his advisers and officials about day-to-day affairs in Czech politics.
2、If many isometry parallel sections of samples, the CT image of every parallel section by analysing and sampling can be taken and the accurate 3d model of histology by computer can be rebuild.