1、French murals on the walls, sculptures of European style, clouds painted on the ceiling and twinkling lights turns the swimming pool into a European mansion.───走进泳池如同置身于某欧式豪宅内,两侧墙壁上镶嵌的法国艺术壁画和欧范儿雕塑、高吊顶上绘制的彩云及上面闪烁的彩灯,都韵味十足。
2、The Mogao Grottoes, located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang city, Gansu Province, have a total of 492 caves. They are a treasure house of murals, sculptures and other cultural relics.───莫高窟,位于甘肃省敦煌市西南25公里处,共有492个洞窟,是壁画、雕塑和其他文物的宝库。
3、The Mogao Grottoes is a world-famous art treasury, with invaluable murals and sculptures made between the 4th and the 14th centuries.───莫高窟是举世闻名的艺术宝库,它拥有4至14世纪的无价珍宝--壁画和雕刻。
murals and sculptures(意思翻译)
murals and sculptures(相似词语短语)
1、sculptures with emphasis───重点雕塑
2、sculptures of aphrodite───阿佛洛狄忒的雕塑
3、sculptures in nj───新泽西的雕塑
4、removable wall murals───可拆卸壁画
5、scipio sculptures───西皮奥雕塑
6、sculptures band───雕塑乐队
7、sculptures of animals───动物雕塑
8、bas-relief sculptures───浅浮雕
murals and sculptures(双语使用场景)
1、French murals on the walls, sculptures of European style, clouds painted on the ceiling and twinkling lights turns the swimming pool into a European mansion.───走进泳池如同置身于某欧式豪宅内,两侧墙壁上镶嵌的法国艺术壁画和欧范儿雕塑、高吊顶上绘制的彩云及上面闪烁的彩灯,都韵味十足。
2、The Mogao Grottoes, located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang city, Gansu Province, have a total of 492 caves. They are a treasure house of murals, sculptures and other cultural relics.───莫高窟,位于甘肃省敦煌市西南25公里处,共有492个洞窟,是壁画、雕塑和其他文物的宝库。
3、The Mogao Grottoes is a world-famous art treasury, with invaluable murals and sculptures made between the 4th and the 14th centuries.───莫高窟是举世闻名的艺术宝库,它拥有4至14世纪的无价珍宝--壁画和雕刻。