1、One person communicates with another, only it happens faster than a postman takes to drop a letter through a door.───一个人与另一个人传递信息,只不过比邮差把信扔到门里快一些。
2、Faust and Forst wrote in yesterday's letter that the University should plan for a 30 percent drop-off in endowment value for the year ending June 30, 2009.───Faust和Forst在昨天的信中写到,学校要为今年直到2009年6月30日一整年的下降30%捐助而做安排。
3、Swiss Post's letter division, for instance, says its profit margin will fall from 8.5% in 2008 to 3.3% in 2009, due mainly to a drop in volumes.───瑞士邮政行业为例,其负责人表示,由于业务大幅减少,2009瑞士邮递业的盈利差额将从2008年的8.5%降至3.3%。
4、One person communicates with another, only it happens faster than a postman takes to drop a letter through a door.───这无非是一个人与另一个人传递信息,只不过比邮差把信扔到门里快一些。
drop a letter(意思翻译)
drop a letter(相似词语短语)
1、letter A───n.(Lettera)人名;(意)莱泰拉
2、a letter───一封信
3、drop letter───同一邮局所收发的信;<美>托人由一地带到另一地付邮的信件
4、have a drop───喝一杯
6、a drop of───一滴…
7、drop a spoon───放下勺子
8、drop a line───n.写信给某人
9、produce a letter───出示一封信
drop a letter(双语使用场景)
1、One person communicates with another, only it happens faster than a postman takes to drop a letter through a door.───一个人与另一个人传递信息,只不过比邮差把信扔到门里快一些。
2、Faust and Forst wrote in yesterday's letter that the University should plan for a 30 percent drop-off in endowment value for the year ending June 30, 2009.───Faust和Forst在昨天的信中写到,学校要为今年直到2009年6月30日一整年的下降30%捐助而做安排。
3、Swiss Post's letter division, for instance, says its profit margin will fall from 8.5% in 2008 to 3.3% in 2009, due mainly to a drop in volumes.───瑞士邮政行业为例,其负责人表示,由于业务大幅减少,2009瑞士邮递业的盈利差额将从2008年的8.5%降至3.3%。
4、One person communicates with another, only it happens faster than a postman takes to drop a letter through a door.───这无非是一个人与另一个人传递信息,只不过比邮差把信扔到门里快一些。