1、Brunel decided not to pick her daughter up every time she wanted her to, started putting her to bed earlier, coming down to her level to talk to her in a firm tone, and using the naughty corner.───内尔决定不再每次都按女儿的意愿对她作出反应,她开始让她早些睡觉;“顾及她的水平”,用坚定的语调跟她谈话;使用“顽皮角落”。
2、way, a last bit of piss dribbles onto my thigh. I pick up a dirty sock from the floor, wipe the urine off and toss the sock in a corner.───走到半路上,最后一滴掉在了大腿上,我从地上捡起一只脏袜子,擦了擦,然后把袜子随手扔到墙角。
3、On Saturday afternoons, Mr. Kirby would walk with me to the convenience store around the corner and let me pick out a dollar's worth of candy or gum or ice cream or whatever I wanted.───在每个周六的下午,科比先生都要带着我到街道拐角处的便利店去买东西,他让我挑一些价值一美元的糖果、口香糖或者冰激淋,以及我想要的任何东西。
pick a corner(意思翻译)
pick a corner(相似词语短语)
1、pick a lily───摘百合花
2、pick a time───挑个时间
3、pick a quarrel───v.寻衅; 启衅; 抓茬儿; 找茬儿
4、pick a corn───摘玉米
5、a pick up───皮卡
6、take a pick───挑一个
9、pick a slip───找个借口
pick a corner(双语使用场景)
1、Brunel decided not to pick her daughter up every time she wanted her to, started putting her to bed earlier, coming down to her level to talk to her in a firm tone, and using the naughty corner.───内尔决定不再每次都按女儿的意愿对她作出反应,她开始让她早些睡觉;“顾及她的水平”,用坚定的语调跟她谈话;使用“顽皮角落”。
2、way, a last bit of piss dribbles onto my thigh. I pick up a dirty sock from the floor, wipe the urine off and toss the sock in a corner.───走到半路上,最后一滴掉在了大腿上,我从地上捡起一只脏袜子,擦了擦,然后把袜子随手扔到墙角。
3、On Saturday afternoons, Mr. Kirby would walk with me to the convenience store around the corner and let me pick out a dollar's worth of candy or gum or ice cream or whatever I wanted.───在每个周六的下午,科比先生都要带着我到街道拐角处的便利店去买东西,他让我挑一些价值一美元的糖果、口香糖或者冰激淋,以及我想要的任何东西。