1、After weeks of surprisingly comprehensive OWS coverage, though, it's now the Chinese media who are clamming up.───在对占领华尔街数周的极其广泛的报道后,现在轮到中国媒体哑口无言了。
2、The powder clamming machine is characterized by high working efficiency, simple operation and wide application.───本冲压装置的粉末压模机工作效率高、Cao作简便,同时它适用性较广。
3、The powder clamming machine is characterized by high working efficiency, simple operation and wide application.───装有本冲压装置的粉末压模机工作效率高、Cao作简便,同时它适用性较广。
4、You prefer it when others come right out and say what's on their minds rather than clamming up and pretending that everything is okay.───你倾向于别人站出来说他们在想些什么,而不是沉默不语假装万事大吉。
5、Some witnesses who were chatty a few hours after Mr bin Laden was killed seem to be clamming up.───在本·LaDeng被击毙数小时之后,一些爱讲闲话的目击者似乎也拒不开口了。
1、I simply notice, one day after clamming, an irritating deposit of grit beneath ten unfamiliar growths on my hands.
2、Brown bear sow and cub clamming together on the mud flats during low tide along Cook Inlet in Alaska's Lake Clark National Park.
1、clamming maryland───马里兰州
2、clamming spots in nj───新泽西州的蛤蜊点
3、clamming ffxi───蛤蜊ffxi
4、clamming in maine 2019───2019年缅因州
5、clamming alaska───ALa斯加
6、clamming rake with basket───带筐抓斗
1、After weeks of surprisingly comprehensive OWS coverage, though, it's now the Chinese media who are clamming up.───在对占领华尔街数周的极其广泛的报道后,现在轮到中国媒体哑口无言了。
2、The powder clamming machine is characterized by high working efficiency, simple operation and wide application.───本冲压装置的粉末压模机工作效率高、Cao作简便,同时它适用性较广。
3、The powder clamming machine is characterized by high working efficiency, simple operation and wide application.───装有本冲压装置的粉末压模机工作效率高、Cao作简便,同时它适用性较广。
4、You prefer it when others come right out and say what's on their minds rather than clamming up and pretending that everything is okay.───你倾向于别人站出来说他们在想些什么,而不是沉默不语假装万事大吉。
5、Some witnesses who were chatty a few hours after Mr bin Laden was killed seem to be clamming up.───在本·LaDeng被击毙数小时之后,一些爱讲闲话的目击者似乎也拒不开口了。
1、I simply notice, one day after clamming, an irritating deposit of grit beneath ten unfamiliar growths on my hands.
2、Brown bear sow and cub clamming together on the mud flats during low tide along Cook Inlet in Alaska's Lake Clark National Park.