1、So many latest tattoo picture download for free.───本站最近推出国外最新纹身图片样版供各位下载,敬请关注。
2、Snap a picture, download it, and share it via a wiki with the rest of the team.───拍摄下这个场景,下载并把它放在wiki上以共享给团队中的其他成员。
3、Now that you've got the big picture, let's go through the steps to download, install, and configure Shale and its dependencies.───现在您已经知道了大概,现在我们来看看下载、安装和配置Shale及其依赖项的步骤。
4、Small picture downloader allows you to bulk download page or links page on the pictures.───小小图片下载器可以批量下载网页上或者链接页上的图片。
5、The requested folder for your pictures does not exist. Would you like to create it and continue the picture download?───所要求的存放照片的文件夹不存在。要创建文件夹并继续照片下载吗?
6、a half hour download and putting all the pieces together the picture turned out to be a picture of a can of SPAM.───一个半小时后,把所有的碎片下载图片原来是一罐滥发照片。
picture download(意思翻译)
picture download(相似词语短语)
1、mumble download───咕哝下载
2、roundworm picture───蛔虫图片
3、talking picture───n.有声电影
4、opera download───opera下载
6、with picture───带图片
7、deposition picture───沉积图象
8、contrived picture───假画
9、spigot download───插口下载
picture download(双语使用场景)
1、So many latest tattoo picture download for free.───本站最近推出国外最新纹身图片样版供各位下载,敬请关注。
2、Snap a picture, download it, and share it via a wiki with the rest of the team.───拍摄下这个场景,下载并把它放在wiki上以共享给团队中的其他成员。
3、Now that you've got the big picture, let's go through the steps to download, install, and configure Shale and its dependencies.───现在您已经知道了大概,现在我们来看看下载、安装和配置Shale及其依赖项的步骤。
4、Small picture downloader allows you to bulk download page or links page on the pictures.───小小图片下载器可以批量下载网页上或者链接页上的图片。
5、The requested folder for your pictures does not exist. Would you like to create it and continue the picture download?───所要求的存放照片的文件夹不存在。要创建文件夹并继续照片下载吗?
6、a half hour download and putting all the pieces together the picture turned out to be a picture of a can of SPAM.───一个半小时后,把所有的碎片下载图片原来是一罐滥发照片。