1、Configuration testing and load testing sometimes have special setup requirements which need to be identified here.───有时,配置测试和载入测试会需要特殊的启动必要条件,此时也要被确定。
2、Normally, these components don't run without a container, requiring you to perform special setup before testing and teardown afterward.───通常,这些组件没有容器不能运行,并要求您在测试前和拆卸后执行特殊设置。
3、You do not need any special setup to write an analysis module; access to the required JAR files is enough.───无需执行任何特殊设置编写分析模块;访问需要的 JAR 文件即可。
4、Marking a doctest as belonging to the unit layer means that it will be run without any special setup.───如果把doctest标为属于unit层,就意味着运行它不需要任何特殊的setup。
special setup(英语使用场景)
1、Normally, these components don't run without a container, requiring you to perform special setup before testing and teardown afterward.
special setup(意思翻译)
special setup(相似词语短语)
1、backgammon setup───双陆棋设置
2、initial setup───初始设定;初始化设置
4、special case───特例,特殊表壳;特例,特殊情况
5、biss setup───仅设置
6、special force───特种部队;特殊力量
7、crystallization setup───结晶装置
8、special episode───特别节目
9、lunch special───n.(菜单中的)特价午餐
special setup(双语使用场景)
1、Configuration testing and load testing sometimes have special setup requirements which need to be identified here.───有时,配置测试和载入测试会需要特殊的启动必要条件,此时也要被确定。
2、Normally, these components don't run without a container, requiring you to perform special setup before testing and teardown afterward.───通常,这些组件没有容器不能运行,并要求您在测试前和拆卸后执行特殊设置。
3、You do not need any special setup to write an analysis module; access to the required JAR files is enough.───无需执行任何特殊设置编写分析模块;访问需要的 JAR 文件即可。
4、Marking a doctest as belonging to the unit layer means that it will be run without any special setup.───如果把doctest标为属于unit层,就意味着运行它不需要任何特殊的setup。
special setup(英语使用场景)
1、Normally, these components don't run without a container, requiring you to perform special setup before testing and teardown afterward.