1、Method: RP- HPLC, linear gradient elution, LC/MS, etc. were used to determine the fingerprint and identify the main pea ks in the HPLC fingerprint.───方法:利用RP HPLC ,采用线性梯度洗脱等进行指纹图谱的测定,并应用LC/MS技术指认指纹图谱中的主要色谱峰。
2、Based on the general formula for the stability analysis of common jointless trac ks, the calculation method for the stability of switches of a jointless turnout is put forward.───基于普通无缝线路稳定性分析的统一公式,探讨了无缝道岔转辙器稳定性的计算方法。
ks method(意思翻译)
ks method(相似词语短语)
1、spe ks───spe ks公司
2、glaciation ks───冰期ks
3、hatting ks───帽衫
4、cosmosphere ks───宇宙球ks
5、cawker ks───考克ks
6、solos ks───孤独的
8、ks studio───ks工作室
9、m Ks───abbr.米-千克-秒单位制 (Metre Kilogramme Second)
ks method(双语使用场景)
1、Method: RP- HPLC, linear gradient elution, LC/MS, etc. were used to determine the fingerprint and identify the main pea ks in the HPLC fingerprint.───方法:利用RP HPLC ,采用线性梯度洗脱等进行指纹图谱的测定,并应用LC/MS技术指认指纹图谱中的主要色谱峰。
2、Based on the general formula for the stability analysis of common jointless trac ks, the calculation method for the stability of switches of a jointless turnout is put forward.───基于普通无缝线路稳定性分析的统一公式,探讨了无缝道岔转辙器稳定性的计算方法。