1、According to the mechanism of current transport, we suggest a breakdown model in which charge accumulation, trapping density and position of its center of gravity are all considered.───根据电流传输机构,本文提出一种考虑了电荷积累、陷阱密度及其重心位置的击穿模型。
2、of abnormal gas accumulation, deep-basin gas is trapped with particular geological conditions and has particular trapping mechanism and distribution pattern.───盆气藏是指在特殊地质条件下形成的、具有特殊圈闭机理和分布规律的非常规天然气藏。
3、Lymphocyte trapping is another mechanism of action of oil adjuvants.───淋巴细胞的俘获是另一个油佐剂的机理作用。
mechanism of trapping(意思翻译)
mechanism of trapping(相似词语短语)
1、escapement mechanism───[仪]擒纵机构
2、coping mechanism───应对机制,应付机制
3、commitment mechanism───承诺机制
4、chlorination of benzene mechanism───苯氯化机理
7、muskrat trapping───诱捕麝鼠
8、antiasthmatic mechanism───平喘机制
9、deformation mechanism───变形机理,变形机制
mechanism of trapping(双语使用场景)
1、According to the mechanism of current transport, we suggest a breakdown model in which charge accumulation, trapping density and position of its center of gravity are all considered.───根据电流传输机构,本文提出一种考虑了电荷积累、陷阱密度及其重心位置的击穿模型。
2、of abnormal gas accumulation, deep-basin gas is trapped with particular geological conditions and has particular trapping mechanism and distribution pattern.───盆气藏是指在特殊地质条件下形成的、具有特殊圈闭机理和分布规律的非常规天然气藏。
3、Lymphocyte trapping is another mechanism of action of oil adjuvants.───淋巴细胞的俘获是另一个油佐剂的机理作用。