be too careful(意思翻译)
be too careful(相似词语短语)
2、be careful of───小心,注意;当心…,对…仔细
3、too be one───我也是
4、prithee be careful───请小心
5、Be careful───小心;当心;n.注意; 当心,小心
6、be too───太
7、you too be───你也是
8、be careful with───小心;照顾;照顾,对…过细地
9、be careful in doing───做事要小心
be too careful(双语使用场景)
1、eg: You cannot be too careful(=You can never be careful enough) to do your homework.───你做作业越仔细越好(=无论怎样仔细也不过分)。
2、One can't be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.───因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不会过分。
3、In dealing with such sophisticated and intricate appliances one cannot be too careful.───在处理这类精密复杂的装置时,须极其仔细。
4、guarding Party and state secrets.───和国家的机密,慎之又慎。
5、Don't stay out in the sun for too long—you can't be too careful.───别在太阳底下待得太久,你得尽量小心。
6、One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.───因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以做决定时无论多么谨慎都不算过分。
7、A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.───一个人选敌人时一定要万分小心。
8、He said: You can't be too careful!───他说:“你太不小心了!”
9、and ask a few friends to look at it, also. You can never be too careful.───反复校正,并请你的朋友帮你一起检查。再小心也不为过。
be too careful(英语使用场景)
1、One can't be too careful in matters like this.
2、One cannot be too careful in guarding Party and state secrets.
3、You can't be too careful.
4、You can never be too careful these days.
5、You can't be too careful, especially toward spring, he said, heaping his plate with straw-coloured griddle- cakes and drowning them in golden syrup.
6、You can't be too careful where computer viruses are concerned.
7、Sometimes he considered that he could not be too careful.
8、One can never be too careful.
9、You cannot be too careful.
be too careful(意思翻译)
be too careful(相似词语短语)
2、be careful of───小心,注意;当心…,对…仔细
3、too be one───我也是
4、prithee be careful───请小心
5、Be careful───小心;当心;n.注意; 当心,小心
6、be too───太
7、you too be───你也是
8、be careful with───小心;照顾;照顾,对…过细地
9、be careful in doing───做事要小心
be too careful(双语使用场景)
1、eg: You cannot be too careful(=You can never be careful enough) to do your homework.───你做作业越仔细越好(=无论怎样仔细也不过分)。
2、One can't be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.───因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以做出决定时无论怎样谨慎都不会过分。
3、In dealing with such sophisticated and intricate appliances one cannot be too careful.───在处理这类精密复杂的装置时,须极其仔细。
4、guarding Party and state secrets.───和国家的机密,慎之又慎。
5、Don't stay out in the sun for too long—you can't be too careful.───别在太阳底下待得太久,你得尽量小心。
6、One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.───因为这是一个如此重要的问题,所以做决定时无论多么谨慎都不算过分。
7、A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.───一个人选敌人时一定要万分小心。
8、He said: You can't be too careful!───他说:“你太不小心了!”
9、and ask a few friends to look at it, also. You can never be too careful.───反复校正,并请你的朋友帮你一起检查。再小心也不为过。
be too careful(英语使用场景)
1、One can't be too careful in matters like this.
2、One cannot be too careful in guarding Party and state secrets.
3、You can't be too careful.
4、You can never be too careful these days.
5、You can't be too careful, especially toward spring, he said, heaping his plate with straw-coloured griddle- cakes and drowning them in golden syrup.
6、You can't be too careful where computer viruses are concerned.
7、Sometimes he considered that he could not be too careful.
8、One can never be too careful.
9、You cannot be too careful.