1、In the auditorium, university President Zuhal delivered an enthusiastic welcome speech.───在学校礼堂,祖哈校长发表了热情洋溢的欢迎辞。
2、The former Harvard University president will lead the National Economic Council. That position does not require Senate approval.───他是前哈佛大学校长,将领导美国国家经济委员会,这一职务不需要参议院审批。
3、"An act of violence like this brings back memories of April 16, " university President Charles Steger said.───“这起事件将我们的思绪带回了4月16日当天的悲剧,”大学校长CharlesSteger说。
4、University President Hiroshi Komiyama revealed the draft plan in a recent news conference held for foreign reporters in Tokyo.───东大校长小宫山宏在近期的外国记者新闻发布会上公布了上述计划。
5、With his soft, monotonous delivery, his fondness for grey ties, and wispy, professorial hair, he could be a university president.───他讲话声音柔和音调起伏不大,喜欢灰色的领带,头发很细发型有一副学者风范,更像是位大学校长。
6、The campus and the American university have become identical in people's minds, says Brown University president Vartan Gregorian.───布朗大学校长瓦坦·格雷戈里安说:“在人们的心目中,校园等同于美国的大学。”
7、A master's examination committee shall be composed of three to five members screened and appointed by the university president.───硕士学位考试委员会置委员三人至五人,由校长遴聘之。
8、Yifang, China's first woman university president, emphasized normal education, regarding it as the parent engine and heavy industry of education.───中国首位女校长吴义芳强调师范教育,认为师范教育是教育的先驱和重工业。
9、The main duty of a university president is to clarify the orientation, mold the character, complete the mission of managing the university.───大学校长的主要职责是把握大学的发展方向,塑造大学的特性,完成管理大学的使命。
university president(英语使用场景)
1、The university president espoused the idea of academic freedom.
2、Yang Zhensheng's incorruptibility , equality and his capability reflected his character as a great scholar and university president.
3、In one letter, the wife of the school's first law professor wrote her husband that university President David Lowry Swain wanted to hire Harry for work.
4、As a university president, his prospects were unlimited.
5、The university president is enormously popular.
6、On the occasion of Yale's tercentenary, in 2001, University President Richard C. Levin launched a number of internationalization initiatives aimed at enhancing Yale's global footprint.
7、A university president needs many kinds of accomplishment, but he must be an educationalist .
8、What kind of person can be competent for the position of university president? A university president needs many kinds of accomplishment, but he must be an educationalist.
university president(意思翻译)
university president(相似词语短语)
1、president election───总统选举
3、class president───n.学生会ZhuXi;班长
4、deputy president───副行长;副校长;(大学)副校长
5、president 2020───2020年总裁
7、executive president───执行ZhuXi;执行总裁
8、shortest president───最矮的总统
9、every president───每一位总统
university president(双语使用场景)
1、In the auditorium, university President Zuhal delivered an enthusiastic welcome speech.───在学校礼堂,祖哈校长发表了热情洋溢的欢迎辞。
2、The former Harvard University president will lead the National Economic Council. That position does not require Senate approval.───他是前哈佛大学校长,将领导美国国家经济委员会,这一职务不需要参议院审批。
3、"An act of violence like this brings back memories of April 16, " university President Charles Steger said.───“这起事件将我们的思绪带回了4月16日当天的悲剧,”大学校长CharlesSteger说。
4、University President Hiroshi Komiyama revealed the draft plan in a recent news conference held for foreign reporters in Tokyo.───东大校长小宫山宏在近期的外国记者新闻发布会上公布了上述计划。
5、With his soft, monotonous delivery, his fondness for grey ties, and wispy, professorial hair, he could be a university president.───他讲话声音柔和音调起伏不大,喜欢灰色的领带,头发很细发型有一副学者风范,更像是位大学校长。
6、The campus and the American university have become identical in people's minds, says Brown University president Vartan Gregorian.───布朗大学校长瓦坦·格雷戈里安说:“在人们的心目中,校园等同于美国的大学。”
7、A master's examination committee shall be composed of three to five members screened and appointed by the university president.───硕士学位考试委员会置委员三人至五人,由校长遴聘之。
8、Yifang, China's first woman university president, emphasized normal education, regarding it as the parent engine and heavy industry of education.───中国首位女校长吴义芳强调师范教育,认为师范教育是教育的先驱和重工业。
9、The main duty of a university president is to clarify the orientation, mold the character, complete the mission of managing the university.───大学校长的主要职责是把握大学的发展方向,塑造大学的特性,完成管理大学的使命。
university president(英语使用场景)
1、The university president espoused the idea of academic freedom.
2、Yang Zhensheng's incorruptibility , equality and his capability reflected his character as a great scholar and university president.
3、In one letter, the wife of the school's first law professor wrote her husband that university President David Lowry Swain wanted to hire Harry for work.
4、As a university president, his prospects were unlimited.
5、The university president is enormously popular.
6、On the occasion of Yale's tercentenary, in 2001, University President Richard C. Levin launched a number of internationalization initiatives aimed at enhancing Yale's global footprint.
7、A university president needs many kinds of accomplishment, but he must be an educationalist .
8、What kind of person can be competent for the position of university president? A university president needs many kinds of accomplishment, but he must be an educationalist.