1、That species disappeared in the Ice Age.───那个物种早在冰河时期就绝迹了。
2、Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps.───冰河时代猛犸象的柔软部位,包括皮肤、毛发和内脏,被保存在冻土或石油渗出的焦油中。
3、Okay, okay, yes, it is. (waves) How about I'll, uh, catch up with you in the Ice Age.───好了好了,是她。(摆摆手)在冰河世纪里,我将如何跟ShangNi。
4、Tells the story of a mammoth, a tree Rex, a saber-toothed tiger, composed of small groups in the Ice Age story.───讲述的是一只猛犸象、一只树獭、一只剑齿虎组成的小团体在冰河世纪的故事。
5、It was not a time of uniform warmth, for then, as always since the Great Ice Age, there were constant shifts in rainfall and temperature.───那并不是一个始终温暖的时期,因为在那时跟大冰期以来的任何时候都一样,降雨量和温度都在不断变化。
6、How long have you had this computer? It looks like it belongs in the ice age.───你这电脑什么时候买的?太老了,看起来就像来自冰河世纪。
7、Okay. Yes, it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age.───好吧,是她我会到冰河期去找你
8、late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.───在法国拉斯科洞穴中发现了冰河时代晚期的绳索,这条绳索由向右旋转的纤维捆成,因此它是由右撇子编成的。
9、T. rexes chasing woolly mammoths? "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" ? What? Dawn of the dinosaurs? In the Ice Age? You've got to be kidding.───继续看下去,雷克斯猫追捕毛象?冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明?什么?恐龙的黎明?在冰河世纪?这是开玩笑吧?。
in the ice age(意思翻译)
in the ice age(相似词语短语)
1、on the ice───在冰上 (Onthe Ice);[电影]在冰上
2、in the ice───在冰里
3、a new ice age───新冰期
4、in this age───在这个时代
5、the age───时代
6、The old age───老年
7、the iron age───铁器时代
8、squint in ice age───冰河时期斜视
9、squint ice age wiki───斜视冰河世纪维基
in the ice age(双语使用场景)
1、That species disappeared in the Ice Age.───那个物种早在冰河时期就绝迹了。
2、Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps.───冰河时代猛犸象的柔软部位,包括皮肤、毛发和内脏,被保存在冻土或石油渗出的焦油中。
3、Okay, okay, yes, it is. (waves) How about I'll, uh, catch up with you in the Ice Age.───好了好了,是她。(摆摆手)在冰河世纪里,我将如何跟ShangNi。
4、Tells the story of a mammoth, a tree Rex, a saber-toothed tiger, composed of small groups in the Ice Age story.───讲述的是一只猛犸象、一只树獭、一只剑齿虎组成的小团体在冰河世纪的故事。
5、It was not a time of uniform warmth, for then, as always since the Great Ice Age, there were constant shifts in rainfall and temperature.───那并不是一个始终温暖的时期,因为在那时跟大冰期以来的任何时候都一样,降雨量和温度都在不断变化。
6、How long have you had this computer? It looks like it belongs in the ice age.───你这电脑什么时候买的?太老了,看起来就像来自冰河世纪。
7、Okay. Yes, it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age.───好吧,是她我会到冰河期去找你
8、late Ice Age rope found in the French cave of Lascaux consists of fibers spiraling to the right, and was therefore tressed by a righthander.───在法国拉斯科洞穴中发现了冰河时代晚期的绳索,这条绳索由向右旋转的纤维捆成,因此它是由右撇子编成的。
9、T. rexes chasing woolly mammoths? "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" ? What? Dawn of the dinosaurs? In the Ice Age? You've got to be kidding.───继续看下去,雷克斯猫追捕毛象?冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明?什么?恐龙的黎明?在冰河世纪?这是开玩笑吧?。
in the ice age(英语使用场景)
1、That species disappeared in the Ice Age.