1、Kinetics of the high temperature desulfurization with mixed iron-calcium oxides in temperature programmed processes───程序升温过程铁钙氧化物高温脱硫动力学行为表征
2、It is a protecting landscape that fascinates, as the action of the mineral waters that contains calcium oxides left fantastic marks in the structures.───这是一个受到保护的令人神往的自然景观,由于含氧化钙的矿物水的作用,留下了神奇的结构性的痕迹。
3、A process is disclosed in which coarse silica, calcium oxides and magnesium oxides are treated in a ball mill together with grinding AIDS and cold-strength binders.───公开了一种方法,其中在球磨中与磨料和冷粘着粘结剂一起处理粗二氧化硅、氧化钙和氧化镁源。
4、possibility of reduction of rare-earth oxides to metals by aluminum in Fe-Cr-Al alloys as well as by aluminum, calcium, silicon and titanium has been studied from the view point of thermodynamics.───从热力学分析了用铝、钙、硅、钛及铁铬铝中的铝还原稀土氧化物成稀土金属进入合金的可能性。
calcium oxides(意思翻译)
calcium oxides(相似词语短语)
2、calcium phosphate───n.磷酸钙;n.[无化]磷酸钙
4、corrected calcium───校正钙
5、oxides ppt───氧化物ppt
6、calcium hydroxide───[无化]氢氧化钙;氢化钙;n.氢化钙
7、oxides define───氧化物定义
8、nitrogen oxides───氧化氮;氮氧化合物;氧化氮,氧化氮
9、milk calcium───牛乳钙
calcium oxides(双语使用场景)
1、Kinetics of the high temperature desulfurization with mixed iron-calcium oxides in temperature programmed processes───程序升温过程铁钙氧化物高温脱硫动力学行为表征
2、It is a protecting landscape that fascinates, as the action of the mineral waters that contains calcium oxides left fantastic marks in the structures.───这是一个受到保护的令人神往的自然景观,由于含氧化钙的矿物水的作用,留下了神奇的结构性的痕迹。
3、A process is disclosed in which coarse silica, calcium oxides and magnesium oxides are treated in a ball mill together with grinding AIDS and cold-strength binders.───公开了一种方法,其中在球磨中与磨料和冷粘着粘结剂一起处理粗二氧化硅、氧化钙和氧化镁源。
4、possibility of reduction of rare-earth oxides to metals by aluminum in Fe-Cr-Al alloys as well as by aluminum, calcium, silicon and titanium has been studied from the view point of thermodynamics.───从热力学分析了用铝、钙、硅、钛及铁铬铝中的铝还原稀土氧化物成稀土金属进入合金的可能性。