1、But if experts expect an inundation of 20 feet, head for the hills.───如果专家预计水位高达20英尺,最好还是跑到高处逃命吧。
2、Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees.───呼气,身体缓慢前屈,双手触地,指尖脚尖平行,额头触膝盖。
3、The painful side effects this has on your muscles and extremities (arms, legs, hands, feet, head) are nothing compared to the heart hazards.───这对你肌肉和四肢(手臂,腿部,手,脚,头)所起的副作用是痛苦的,但跟它对心脏的危害比起来,是微不足道的。
4、Polly, bewildered and embarrassed, dropped her head and scuffed her feet.───波莉既困惑又尴尬,低下头拖着脚走开了。
5、Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head?───或许你喜欢在临睡前吃点奶酪,睡觉的时候灯一定得都开着,或者是把枕头放在脚下面而不是头下面?
6、Fifty-seven feet long and up to nine tons, spinosaurus started poking his head around the early Cretaceous some 100 million years ago.───57英尺长,9吨重,棘龙在大约1亿年前的白垩纪早期就开始四处活动。
feet head(英语使用场景)
1、Accidents in sport, whether to the ribs, legs, feet, head or shoulders, nearly always jar the spine.
2、Hands arms legs feet head and neck Chest and belly vanish With all the rubbish of the earth.
3、Players may use their feet, head, _or_chest to play the ball with the exception of the goalkeeper_and_of making a throw-in , players may not use their hands_or_arms.
4、Forty-four little hands gather up coats and lunch boxes and forty-four little feet head down the hall to go home.
feet head(意思翻译)
feet head(相似词语短语)
1、on feet───步行;在进行中
2、head───n.头;头痛;上端;领袖,首领;最前的部分;理解力;vi.出发;成头状物;船驶往;adj.头的;主要的;在顶端的;n. (Head)(英)黑德(人名);vt.前进;用头顶;作为……的首领;站在…的前头;给……加标题
3、hundred feet───一百英尺
4、four feet───四足;四英尺
5、foreshortened feet───缩短的脚
6、feet away───两英尺远
7、at feet───在附近
9、head head───头颅
feet head(双语使用场景)
1、But if experts expect an inundation of 20 feet, head for the hills.───如果专家预计水位高达20英尺,最好还是跑到高处逃命吧。
2、Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet, head touching knees.───呼气,身体缓慢前屈,双手触地,指尖脚尖平行,额头触膝盖。
3、The painful side effects this has on your muscles and extremities (arms, legs, hands, feet, head) are nothing compared to the heart hazards.───这对你肌肉和四肢(手臂,腿部,手,脚,头)所起的副作用是痛苦的,但跟它对心脏的危害比起来,是微不足道的。
4、Polly, bewildered and embarrassed, dropped her head and scuffed her feet.───波莉既困惑又尴尬,低下头拖着脚走开了。
5、Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head?───或许你喜欢在临睡前吃点奶酪,睡觉的时候灯一定得都开着,或者是把枕头放在脚下面而不是头下面?
6、Fifty-seven feet long and up to nine tons, spinosaurus started poking his head around the early Cretaceous some 100 million years ago.───57英尺长,9吨重,棘龙在大约1亿年前的白垩纪早期就开始四处活动。
feet head(英语使用场景)
1、Accidents in sport, whether to the ribs, legs, feet, head or shoulders, nearly always jar the spine.
2、Hands arms legs feet head and neck Chest and belly vanish With all the rubbish of the earth.
3、Players may use their feet, head, _or_chest to play the ball with the exception of the goalkeeper_and_of making a throw-in , players may not use their hands_or_arms.
4、Forty-four little hands gather up coats and lunch boxes and forty-four little feet head down the hall to go home.