1、That excellence is not just the awesome energy of the best runners and the smoothness of the organisation, but also the quality of determination shown by all the competitors.───这种卓越不仅体现在最佳跑步者令人敬畏的能量和组织的流畅性上,也体现在所有参赛者所表现出的决心上。
2、That is awesome. Congratulation! I know you can make it.───棒极了。恭喜!我知道你可以做到的。
3、wow. that is awesome man.───哇,老兄,那真是太棒了。
4、You live on the beach, that is awesome.───你住在海边。那真是棒极了!
5、If you haven't seen the film, I recommend you go and have a look, that is awesome!───如果你还未看这部电影,我推荐你去看一下,真的很有味道。
6、All of that is awesome and I'm grateful for the support. But I can't say "yes" to everything.───这一切都棒极了,我很感激这些支持。但我不能对所有事情说“是”。
7、The people in charge have made the sport from one year to the next so much more exciting, and that is awesome for the fans and everything.───负责规则制定的人让比赛一年比一年精彩,这对粉丝和其他所有事来说都很棒。
8、That is awesome I would really like to see a game some day but they don't allow computers at Fenway Park Anyway, so how are you doing today?───那可真棒,我真想哪天看一场比赛,可他们不允许在芬威球场用电脑,总之,今天您还好吗?
that is awesome(意思翻译)
that is awesome(相似词语短语)
1、awesome feed───棒极了
2、awesome you───你真棒
3、it is awesome───太棒了
4、so awesome───太棒了
5、is that───是这样吗
7、that is───即; 就是; 换句话说; 更确切地说;即;就是说;换言之
8、be awesome───太棒了
9、thainerit is awesome───泰纳瑞特太棒了
that is awesome(双语使用场景)
1、That excellence is not just the awesome energy of the best runners and the smoothness of the organisation, but also the quality of determination shown by all the competitors.───这种卓越不仅体现在最佳跑步者令人敬畏的能量和组织的流畅性上,也体现在所有参赛者所表现出的决心上。
2、That is awesome. Congratulation! I know you can make it.───棒极了。恭喜!我知道你可以做到的。
3、wow. that is awesome man.───哇,老兄,那真是太棒了。
4、You live on the beach, that is awesome.───你住在海边。那真是棒极了!
5、If you haven't seen the film, I recommend you go and have a look, that is awesome!───如果你还未看这部电影,我推荐你去看一下,真的很有味道。
6、All of that is awesome and I'm grateful for the support. But I can't say "yes" to everything.───这一切都棒极了,我很感激这些支持。但我不能对所有事情说“是”。
7、The people in charge have made the sport from one year to the next so much more exciting, and that is awesome for the fans and everything.───负责规则制定的人让比赛一年比一年精彩,这对粉丝和其他所有事来说都很棒。
8、That is awesome I would really like to see a game some day but they don't allow computers at Fenway Park Anyway, so how are you doing today?───那可真棒,我真想哪天看一场比赛,可他们不允许在芬威球场用电脑,总之,今天您还好吗?