5、bear───vi.转向;n. (Bear)(美)贝尔(人名);vt.忍受;承担;具有;负担;生孩子;结果实;开花;携带;运送;;n.熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;“北极熊” (E Guo);JingCha;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁
6、jeep spirit───吉普车精神
7、spirit bear───精灵熊
8、evil spirit───恶魔;妖精;魅;祟;邪魔;妖精
9、pioneering spirit───开拓精神;首创精神;闯劲;首创精神; 闯劲; 开拓精神
bear spirit(双语使用场景)
1、Cosco logistics with humane care and bear spirit feedback society, realize the harmonious development of the enterprise and society.───中远物流用人文关怀和担当精神回馈社会,实现企业和社会的2和谐发展。
2、What could be better than servin 'da bear spirit for eternity? Come closer now. Bring your souls to me!───有什么事情能比永远侍奉熊灵更愉快?来吧,再接近一点……把你的灵魂奉献出来! !
3、Nicklen, whose work has been recognized with multiple awards, tracked the rare spirit bear for a National Geographic cover story.───Nicklen的工作被各样的奖项认可,他曾为国家地理杂志封面故事追踪珍稀的精灵熊。
4、Withstand the pressure, but also bear spirit, the pressure of the life of rising prices, step by step, have exceeded the bear ability.───不仅承受精神的压力,还要承受生活的压力,房价,一步步的攀升,已经超出了承受能力。
5、Animism – Your tolerance of heretics is +2, and your defensivenessis -0.50. Possible heretics: Bear Spirit, Snake Clan.───泛灵教——异端容忍度+2,防御能力-0.5。可能的异端:熊灵,蛇氏族(#还真是随意啊…)
bear spirit(意思翻译)
bear spirit(相似词语短语)
2、altruistic spirit───利他精神
3、forbearing spirit───忍让精神
4、debilitated spirit───衰弱的精神
5、bear───vi.转向;n. (Bear)(美)贝尔(人名);vt.忍受;承担;具有;负担;生孩子;结果实;开花;携带;运送;;n.熊;泰迪熊;(股票)卖空者;没教养的人;体格笨重的男人;“北极熊” (E Guo);JingCha;棘手的事情;脾气暴躁
6、jeep spirit───吉普车精神
7、spirit bear───精灵熊
8、evil spirit───恶魔;妖精;魅;祟;邪魔;妖精
9、pioneering spirit───开拓精神;首创精神;闯劲;首创精神; 闯劲; 开拓精神
bear spirit(双语使用场景)
1、Cosco logistics with humane care and bear spirit feedback society, realize the harmonious development of the enterprise and society.───中远物流用人文关怀和担当精神回馈社会,实现企业和社会的2和谐发展。
2、What could be better than servin 'da bear spirit for eternity? Come closer now. Bring your souls to me!───有什么事情能比永远侍奉熊灵更愉快?来吧,再接近一点……把你的灵魂奉献出来! !
3、Nicklen, whose work has been recognized with multiple awards, tracked the rare spirit bear for a National Geographic cover story.───Nicklen的工作被各样的奖项认可,他曾为国家地理杂志封面故事追踪珍稀的精灵熊。
4、Withstand the pressure, but also bear spirit, the pressure of the life of rising prices, step by step, have exceeded the bear ability.───不仅承受精神的压力,还要承受生活的压力,房价,一步步的攀升,已经超出了承受能力。
5、Animism – Your tolerance of heretics is +2, and your defensivenessis -0.50. Possible heretics: Bear Spirit, Snake Clan.───泛灵教——异端容忍度+2,防御能力-0.5。可能的异端:熊灵,蛇氏族(#还真是随意啊…)