1、It usually takes around four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container - although in some cases it could be three months.───在通常情况下,保存于密封容器中的酒精完全挥发需要大约四周时间;有时,则可能需耗费长达三个月的时间。
2、have an open alcohol container in the car in Pennsylvania?───在宾夕法尼亚州车里有开了瓶的酒是犯法的?
3、And he consumed a big container of alcohol a week.───并且他一周就要消费一大集装箱的酒。
alcohol container(意思翻译)
alcohol container(相似词语短语)
1、container no───集装箱号
2、rattling container───卡嗒作响的容器
3、container number───装箱号
4、gnaws alcohol───啃酒
5、shipping container───船运集装箱;集装箱,装运容器,货运包装
6、gallon container───加仑容器
9、alcohol abuse───酒精滥用,酗酒
alcohol container(双语使用场景)
1、It usually takes around four weeks for the alcohol to dry out completely in an airtight container - although in some cases it could be three months.───在通常情况下,保存于密封容器中的酒精完全挥发需要大约四周时间;有时,则可能需耗费长达三个月的时间。
2、have an open alcohol container in the car in Pennsylvania?───在宾夕法尼亚州车里有开了瓶的酒是犯法的?
3、And he consumed a big container of alcohol a week.───并且他一周就要消费一大集装箱的酒。