1、One heart to be a target, toward the front walked, his heart is definitely has a big target of life.───一个人心中要有一个目标,朝着前方一直走的人,他的心中肯定有一个人生的大目标。
2、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see Moving target).───其次是另一种表面蛋白神经氨酸酶(见 “ 转移攻击 ” )。
3、People hate advertisements and big corporations, and the fast food industry is a big target.───人们不喜欢广告和大公司,快餐业正好是人们不喜欢的对象。
4、I don't think the US Navy needs to worry much. That aircraft carrier will sure be a big target in case of hostilities.───我想美国海军不需要太担心。要是战争,航母肯定是个大目标。
5、The next big target for raising recycling rates is rigid plastics - tubs, pots and trays.───增加循环率的下一步在于加大对硬质塑料如桶,水壶和盘子一类物品的循环。
6、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see "Moving target" ).───其次是另一种表面蛋白神经氨酸酶(见“转移攻击”)。
7、That's the big target but when you go into any tournament like this you have to go into it focused purely on winning it.───(赢得冠军)是个很大的目标,但是当你参加这样的大赛时,你必须要把注意力放到赢得比赛上。
8、It is not a coincidence, by any stretch of the imagination, that development tools are a big target for open source.───无论从何种角度分析,开发工具成为开源占据的一个较大领域都不是一种巧合。
9、In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as the brainless bull at the gate.───在英格兰,传统的中锋一般是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·格兰维尔将之形容为“球门前那头有勇无谋的公牛”。
big target(英语使用场景)
1、Referee Bob Nixon was told of the outburst and immediately showed the red card to the big target man.
2、But it's also very easy to imagine an attacker wanting to leave behind a false flag in order to throw investigators off the trail and implicate a big target like Anonymous.
3、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see Moving target).
big target(意思翻译)
big target(相似词语短语)
1、coasted target───滑行目标
2、target price───计划[预定]价格,目标价格,指标价格;[物价]目标价格;指标价格
3、target words───目标字
4、target profit───[会计]目标利润;指标[计划]利润
5、benefic target───受益人目标
6、currycomb target───currycomb目标
7、big big big───大,大,大
8、target ranges───目标距离;靶场
9、target───n. (Target)美国塔吉特公司;n.目标,指标;(攻击的)对象;靶子;v.把……作为目标;面向,对准(某群体)
big target(双语使用场景)
1、One heart to be a target, toward the front walked, his heart is definitely has a big target of life.───一个人心中要有一个目标,朝着前方一直走的人,他的心中肯定有一个人生的大目标。
2、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see Moving target).───其次是另一种表面蛋白神经氨酸酶(见 “ 转移攻击 ” )。
3、People hate advertisements and big corporations, and the fast food industry is a big target.───人们不喜欢广告和大公司,快餐业正好是人们不喜欢的对象。
4、I don't think the US Navy needs to worry much. That aircraft carrier will sure be a big target in case of hostilities.───我想美国海军不需要太担心。要是战争,航母肯定是个大目标。
5、The next big target for raising recycling rates is rigid plastics - tubs, pots and trays.───增加循环率的下一步在于加大对硬质塑料如桶,水壶和盘子一类物品的循环。
6、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see "Moving target" ).───其次是另一种表面蛋白神经氨酸酶(见“转移攻击”)。
7、That's the big target but when you go into any tournament like this you have to go into it focused purely on winning it.───(赢得冠军)是个很大的目标,但是当你参加这样的大赛时,你必须要把注意力放到赢得比赛上。
8、It is not a coincidence, by any stretch of the imagination, that development tools are a big target for open source.───无论从何种角度分析,开发工具成为开源占据的一个较大领域都不是一种巧合。
9、In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as the brainless bull at the gate.───在英格兰,传统的中锋一般是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·格兰维尔将之形容为“球门前那头有勇无谋的公牛”。
big target(英语使用场景)
1、Referee Bob Nixon was told of the outburst and immediately showed the red card to the big target man.
2、But it's also very easy to imagine an attacker wanting to leave behind a false flag in order to throw investigators off the trail and implicate a big target like Anonymous.
3、The next big target is another surface protein, neuraminidase (see Moving target).