1、Be sure to check out Martin Fowlers original post and do share your experiences.───请一定亲自查看MartinFowlers的原文并分享你的经验。
2、A personal has been watching fowlers bird, he felt very interesting.───有个人一直在一旁看捕鸟人捕鸟,他觉得十分有趣。
3、The people wherewith you plant, ought to be gardeners, ploughmen, labourers, smiths, carpenters, joiners, fishermen, fowlers, with some few apothecaries, surgeons, cooks, and bakers.───人民当是园丁、耕者、工人、铁匠、木匠、细木匠、渔夫、猎鸟者,以及少数的药剂师、外科医生、厨师、面包师。
4、his table was furnished by his own slaves, his own fowlers and fishers and hunters.───他的食物是由自己的奴隶,捕鸟人,渔夫和猎人供给的。
1、The Fowlers claim just 3 weeks after he bought the property, Mr Mackarness had applied for planning permission.
2、The Fowlers down at 27 just got a beagle.
3、The northern fens were to remain the preserve of fishers and fowlers for another 150 years.
4、Although Mr MacKarness won't confirm it, the Fowlers claim the price was just £70,000 because it came with sitting tenants.
1、fowl cay───[地名] [巴哈马] 福尔岛
2、guinea fowl───n.[禽]珍珠鸡;n.珍珠鸡
3、one fowhen she was girl───当她还是女孩的时候
5、fowled up meaning───模糊的意思
6、fowled up birthday───匆匆忙忙过生日
7、doglock fowler───狗嘴捕鸟人
8、bat fowling shakespeare definition───捕蝙蝠莎士比亚的定义
9、cupped waterfowl───杯状水鸟
10、fower s───力s
1、Be sure to check out Martin Fowlers original post and do share your experiences.───请一定亲自查看MartinFowlers的原文并分享你的经验。
2、A personal has been watching fowlers bird, he felt very interesting.───有个人一直在一旁看捕鸟人捕鸟,他觉得十分有趣。
3、The people wherewith you plant, ought to be gardeners, ploughmen, labourers, smiths, carpenters, joiners, fishermen, fowlers, with some few apothecaries, surgeons, cooks, and bakers.───人民当是园丁、耕者、工人、铁匠、木匠、细木匠、渔夫、猎鸟者,以及少数的药剂师、外科医生、厨师、面包师。
4、his table was furnished by his own slaves, his own fowlers and fishers and hunters.───他的食物是由自己的奴隶,捕鸟人,渔夫和猎人供给的。
1、The Fowlers claim just 3 weeks after he bought the property, Mr Mackarness had applied for planning permission.
2、The Fowlers down at 27 just got a beagle.
3、The northern fens were to remain the preserve of fishers and fowlers for another 150 years.
4、Although Mr MacKarness won't confirm it, the Fowlers claim the price was just £70,000 because it came with sitting tenants.