1、Many of them are behind schedule and over budget.───其中的许多的进度都落后了而且超出预算。
2、The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.───该计划现在比预定的计划晚了7年,首先是因为费用增加,其次是由于技术问题。
3、This project is really behind of schedule.───这项计划已经落后了。
behind of schedule(意思翻译)
behind of schedule(相似词语短语)
1、of schedule───时间表
3、testudo schedule of classes───testudo课程表
4、behind of you───在你身后
5、behind of───的后面
7、ahead of schedule───adv.提前
8、retreating behind───退后
9、agglomeration schedule───结块时间表
behind of schedule(双语使用场景)
1、Many of them are behind schedule and over budget.───其中的许多的进度都落后了而且超出预算。
2、The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.───该计划现在比预定的计划晚了7年,首先是因为费用增加,其次是由于技术问题。
3、This project is really behind of schedule.───这项计划已经落后了。