1、Aim to find ways of cutting big glass tubes and new USES of big bottom-broken test tubes in high school chemical experiment and college basic chemical experiment.───目的探求粗玻管的截割方法和破底大(中)试管在中学化学实验和大学基础化学实验中的利用。
2、I got under the table and raised the blanket, and went to work to saw a section of the big bottom log out - big enough to let me through.───我爬到桌子下边,把毯子掀了起来,动手锯起来,要把床底下那根大木头锯掉一节,大小能容得下我爬进爬出。
3、And last month they said having a big bottom is good for health.───同时上个月他们说拥有宽臀对健康有好处。
big bottom(意思翻译)
big bottom(相似词语短语)
1、bossy bottom───专横的屁股
2、river bottom───河底
3、bottom line───n.概要,账本底线;结果;概要;账本底线;关键
4、bottom drawer───<美>(妇女为结婚准备的)嫁衣
5、bottom hole───底孔,下部孔;底孔,井底;下部孔;底部炮眼
6、at bottom───实际上(等于atthebottom);adv.实际上; 说到底; 骨子里
7、bottom view───底视图,仰视图;[机]底视图;[机]仰视图
8、SU Bottom───SU底部
big bottom(双语使用场景)
1、Aim to find ways of cutting big glass tubes and new USES of big bottom-broken test tubes in high school chemical experiment and college basic chemical experiment.───目的探求粗玻管的截割方法和破底大(中)试管在中学化学实验和大学基础化学实验中的利用。
2、I got under the table and raised the blanket, and went to work to saw a section of the big bottom log out - big enough to let me through.───我爬到桌子下边,把毯子掀了起来,动手锯起来,要把床底下那根大木头锯掉一节,大小能容得下我爬进爬出。
3、And last month they said having a big bottom is good for health.───同时上个月他们说拥有宽臀对健康有好处。