1、Everyone understands how your quality system works.───人人理解质量体系的工作原理。
2、The dates and results of quality system reviews shall be documented.───质量体系回顾的日期和结果应做成文档保存。
3、The agency drove home its "concerns about whether McNeil's corporate culture supported a robust quality system, " he said.───他说,FDA“对麦克尼尔的企业文化是否足以支持一个完善的质量体系的关切”。
4、The company's information system is the foundation for building, and ERP, LES and its total quality system for seamless integration.───该XiTong是公司的信息化建设的基础,与ERP、LES及其计质量XiTong进行无缝的集成。
5、The Company for the ISO9001 international quality system standards, the establishment of a sound quality management and control systems.───本公司以ISO9001国际质量体系为标准,建立一套完善的质量管理和控制XiTong。
6、quality system should support such activities by all personnel.───质量体系应该对这样的所有人员提供支持。
7、Purchase material, equipment, supplies and services for the company according to what is described in the procedures of the Quality System.───根据公司质量体系中的采购程序,制订配件、材料、设备和工具等采购计划。
8、It is not practical for a regulation to specify details of quality system elements for such a wide range of products.───对于如此宽泛的产品范围来说,一个法规规定具体的质量体系要素是不实际的。
9、Implement &improve the supplier quality control instructions accordance with the company's quality system requirements.───根据公司质量体系要求,制订并完善供应商质量控制的相关文件,并负责协调执行。
quality system(英语使用场景)
1、What assured quality system thereby is normal move and evaluate smoothly through attestation organization.
2、Ensure new product introduction compliance with quality system requirement.
3、Be the management representative of Seton Shanghai quality system.
4、File maintenance record strictly subject to Michelin quality system requirement.
5、Quality system training for relative level employee.
6、Conduct factory quality system audit in period , and finish audit report, release to management.
7、Pass ISO 9001 national standard quality system authentication.
8、This will mean a fully integrated quality system across the site.
9、At least 2 years'working experience as quality system engineer.
quality system(意思翻译)
quality system(相似词语短语)
1、sound quality───品质优良,完好的质量
2、quality engineer───质量工程师
3、poor quality───质量差的;品质低劣的
4、influencing quality───影响质量
5、quality control───n.质量管理;质量控制,质量管理
7、quality factor───线质系数; 品质因子; 品质因数; 质量指标;[电子]品质因数;[核]品质因子;质量指标
8、quality goods───正品;[贸易]上等货色
9、image quality───图像质量,图像品质;[计]图像质量;图像品质
quality system(双语使用场景)
1、Everyone understands how your quality system works.───人人理解质量体系的工作原理。
2、The dates and results of quality system reviews shall be documented.───质量体系回顾的日期和结果应做成文档保存。
3、The agency drove home its "concerns about whether McNeil's corporate culture supported a robust quality system, " he said.───他说,FDA“对麦克尼尔的企业文化是否足以支持一个完善的质量体系的关切”。
4、The company's information system is the foundation for building, and ERP, LES and its total quality system for seamless integration.───该XiTong是公司的信息化建设的基础,与ERP、LES及其计质量XiTong进行无缝的集成。
5、The Company for the ISO9001 international quality system standards, the establishment of a sound quality management and control systems.───本公司以ISO9001国际质量体系为标准,建立一套完善的质量管理和控制XiTong。
6、quality system should support such activities by all personnel.───质量体系应该对这样的所有人员提供支持。
7、Purchase material, equipment, supplies and services for the company according to what is described in the procedures of the Quality System.───根据公司质量体系中的采购程序,制订配件、材料、设备和工具等采购计划。
8、It is not practical for a regulation to specify details of quality system elements for such a wide range of products.───对于如此宽泛的产品范围来说,一个法规规定具体的质量体系要素是不实际的。
9、Implement &improve the supplier quality control instructions accordance with the company's quality system requirements.───根据公司质量体系要求,制订并完善供应商质量控制的相关文件,并负责协调执行。
quality system(英语使用场景)
1、What assured quality system thereby is normal move and evaluate smoothly through attestation organization.
2、Ensure new product introduction compliance with quality system requirement.
3、Be the management representative of Seton Shanghai quality system.
4、File maintenance record strictly subject to Michelin quality system requirement.
5、Quality system training for relative level employee.
6、Conduct factory quality system audit in period , and finish audit report, release to management.
7、Pass ISO 9001 national standard quality system authentication.
8、This will mean a fully integrated quality system across the site.
9、At least 2 years'working experience as quality system engineer.