1、A while after this, the king of the country hunted in the same wood, and caught that lion, and held him captive for many years.───过了一段时间,国王同样也到那个森林里打猎,他捉住了那只狮子,并把它关在笼子里养了很多年。
2、King & Wood is the Chinese firm that most consistently works with foreign lawyers to represent China in WTO disputes.───金木是在中国WTO争端中与海外律师共同工作最多的事务所。
3、has been off the grid for 28 years, he said: he lives in a geodesic dome on 10 acres in Enosburg Falls, grows a good deal of his food, heats with wood.───他已经生活在没有电力网的地方28年了,他说他生活在佛蒙特州伊诺斯堡福尔斯村10公顷土地上一座多面穹顶的房子里,种了很多粮食作物,靠木材取热。
4、Wang Ling, managing partner of King & Wood, declined to comment.───金杜律师事务所管理合伙人王玲 (Wang Ling)拒绝对此置评。
5、Wang started to work as founding partner in King & Wood in 1993, and once acted as the Director.───王辉律师1993年开始作为创始合伙人工作于金杜律师事务所,并曾任该所主任。
6、Right now I will send you VSG's lawyer King&Wood and BAB's lawyer Jingtian & Gongcheng's reply to the SIX Swiss Exchange's questions.───现在,我会向您发送的VSG的律师王律师事务所和BAB的律师景田工程SIX瑞士交易所的问题的答复。
7、Wang joined the firm from Beijing firm King & Wood.───加入之前王在北京金度律师事务所工作。
8、King & Wood Law Firm, Beijing witnessed the convening of general meeting of shareholders and legal opinion.───北京市金杜律师事务所律师见证股东大会的召开并出具法律意见书。
9、King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.───王用黎巴嫩木,为自己制造一乘华轿。
king wood(意思翻译)
king wood(相似词语短语)
2、blackwash wood───黑檀
4、biloba wood───银杏木
5、wood group───伍德集团
6、Ruger wood───鲁格木
7、wood vinegar───[有化]木醋酸;n.木醋酸
8、prosopis wood───普罗索皮斯木
9、king of king───王者之王
king wood(双语使用场景)
1、A while after this, the king of the country hunted in the same wood, and caught that lion, and held him captive for many years.───过了一段时间,国王同样也到那个森林里打猎,他捉住了那只狮子,并把它关在笼子里养了很多年。
2、King & Wood is the Chinese firm that most consistently works with foreign lawyers to represent China in WTO disputes.───金木是在中国WTO争端中与海外律师共同工作最多的事务所。
3、has been off the grid for 28 years, he said: he lives in a geodesic dome on 10 acres in Enosburg Falls, grows a good deal of his food, heats with wood.───他已经生活在没有电力网的地方28年了,他说他生活在佛蒙特州伊诺斯堡福尔斯村10公顷土地上一座多面穹顶的房子里,种了很多粮食作物,靠木材取热。
4、Wang Ling, managing partner of King & Wood, declined to comment.───金杜律师事务所管理合伙人王玲 (Wang Ling)拒绝对此置评。
5、Wang started to work as founding partner in King & Wood in 1993, and once acted as the Director.───王辉律师1993年开始作为创始合伙人工作于金杜律师事务所,并曾任该所主任。
6、Right now I will send you VSG's lawyer King&Wood and BAB's lawyer Jingtian & Gongcheng's reply to the SIX Swiss Exchange's questions.───现在,我会向您发送的VSG的律师王律师事务所和BAB的律师景田工程SIX瑞士交易所的问题的答复。
7、Wang joined the firm from Beijing firm King & Wood.───加入之前王在北京金度律师事务所工作。
8、King & Wood Law Firm, Beijing witnessed the convening of general meeting of shareholders and legal opinion.───北京市金杜律师事务所律师见证股东大会的召开并出具法律意见书。
9、King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon.───王用黎巴嫩木,为自己制造一乘华轿。