1、theme of Ubuntu is what the everyday user is going to see, it's their first impression of what could be their first open source desktop environment, and we obviously want it to be a good one.───主题是Ubuntu用户每天都会看到的,是他们打开桌面环境后得到的第一印象,我们当然希望有一个好的主题。
2、China to open theme park dedicated to gold───中国欲开放由黄金打造的主题公园
3、Very quickly, the conference's unofficial theme became how to get average people-like my road-running companions-to open up to science once again.───很快,会议的非正式主题转为如何让普通民众,比如像我的做法-再次向科学摊开心扉。
4、The free blog theme blew the book open into a series of conversations; every paragraph could spawn its own discussion forum for readers.───CommentPress这一免费博客主题能将本书拆分成一系列的章节和段落,每一段可以产生自己的讨论论坛,供读者进行讨论。
5、Open theme park gates waiting for───主题公园敞开大门,等待着——
open theme(意思翻译)
open theme(相似词语短语)
2、chara theme───查拉主题
3、theme pattern───主题模式
4、frisks theme───新主题
5、halloween theme───万圣节主题
6、heros theme───英雄的主题
7、amalgamates theme───合并主题
8、roggys theme───罗格的主题
9、bede theme───询问主题
open theme(双语使用场景)
1、theme of Ubuntu is what the everyday user is going to see, it's their first impression of what could be their first open source desktop environment, and we obviously want it to be a good one.───主题是Ubuntu用户每天都会看到的,是他们打开桌面环境后得到的第一印象,我们当然希望有一个好的主题。
2、China to open theme park dedicated to gold───中国欲开放由黄金打造的主题公园
3、Very quickly, the conference's unofficial theme became how to get average people-like my road-running companions-to open up to science once again.───很快,会议的非正式主题转为如何让普通民众,比如像我的做法-再次向科学摊开心扉。
4、The free blog theme blew the book open into a series of conversations; every paragraph could spawn its own discussion forum for readers.───CommentPress这一免费博客主题能将本书拆分成一系列的章节和段落,每一段可以产生自己的讨论论坛,供读者进行讨论。
5、Open theme park gates waiting for───主题公园敞开大门,等待着——