1、In another experiment, published in 1995, she was blasted with a loud horn every time she saw a blue-colored square appear on a screen.───在一篇发表于1995年的实验论文中提到,在实验中,每当这位女士看到屏幕上出现蓝色的长方形时,耳边都会响起有刺耳的喇叭声。
2、Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles.───意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。 被浪冲打的蓝色的海洋,一个学校的独角兽鱼---指定作神秘的动物谁的角它们模仿的---游泳接近水的表面在非洲塞舌尔群岛。
3、Despite the repeated blasting horn, she never developed the fear an ordinary person would feel when seeing the blue square.───无论如何反复吹奏喇叭,她也从未像常人一样:在看到蓝色长方形时就会联想到喇叭的轰鸣而感到恐惧。
blue horn(意思翻译)
blue horn(相似词语短语)
1、tenor horn───n.次中音号
2、crumpled horn───皱巴巴的喇叭
3、baritone horn───n.男中音号
4、spinel horn───尖晶石角
5、english horn───英国管,中音双簧管
7、car horn───汽车喇叭
8、bicorn horn───拐角
9、flugel horn───n.粗管短号
blue horn(双语使用场景)
1、In another experiment, published in 1995, she was blasted with a loud horn every time she saw a blue-colored square appear on a screen.───在一篇发表于1995年的实验论文中提到,在实验中,每当这位女士看到屏幕上出现蓝色的长方形时,耳边都会响起有刺耳的喇叭声。
2、Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles.───意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。 被浪冲打的蓝色的海洋,一个学校的独角兽鱼---指定作神秘的动物谁的角它们模仿的---游泳接近水的表面在非洲塞舌尔群岛。
3、Despite the repeated blasting horn, she never developed the fear an ordinary person would feel when seeing the blue square.───无论如何反复吹奏喇叭,她也从未像常人一样:在看到蓝色长方形时就会联想到喇叭的轰鸣而感到恐惧。