2、In the scenario presented here, a program can fail due to the lack of memory.───在本文所介绍的场景中,程序可能会因为缺少内存而运行失败。
3、When our tools and our human memory fail us, we must go out and try again to capture art in real life.───当我们的方法和记忆误导我们时,必须要跳出思维的框框,再次尝试着在现实生活中捕捉艺术。
4、might not be enough disk space to complete the file write operation, or allocating the buffer could fail if not enough memory is available.───可能没有足够的磁盘空间来完成该文件的写Cao作,或者由于没有足够的内存可用,分配缓冲区可能失败。
memory fail(意思翻译)
memory fail(相似词语短语)
2、fail safe───故障安全; 失效保护; 失效保险; 差错防止;故障保护;失效安全
3、fail fast───快速失败
4、fail videos───失败视频
6、condoned fail───纵容失败
7、arc fail───电弧失效
8、config fail───配置失败
9、short fail───短暂失败
memory fail(双语使用场景)
1、alloc memory fail !───REG时,记忆体不足。
2、In the scenario presented here, a program can fail due to the lack of memory.───在本文所介绍的场景中,程序可能会因为缺少内存而运行失败。
3、When our tools and our human memory fail us, we must go out and try again to capture art in real life.───当我们的方法和记忆误导我们时,必须要跳出思维的框框,再次尝试着在现实生活中捕捉艺术。
4、might not be enough disk space to complete the file write operation, or allocating the buffer could fail if not enough memory is available.───可能没有足够的磁盘空间来完成该文件的写Cao作,或者由于没有足够的内存可用,分配缓冲区可能失败。