1、Furthermore, the special treatment undermines attempts to turn North Korea into a normal member of the international community.───此外,在此事上对ChaoXian的特殊对待,PoHuai了将ChaoXian转变为国际社会正常一员的努力。
2、Biden condemned the announcement, saying it undermines the trust needed to restart negotiations, which have broken off for more than a year.───BaiDeng对该决定提出谴责。他表示,这危害了重新谈判所需要的信任。双方的谈判在一年多以前就已经破裂。
3、When you take the time to remove the birthmark, also undermines the integrity of her original, so we do not always striving for perfection.───当你把胎记去除的时候,也PoHuai了她原来的完整性,所以我们不要总是追求完美。
4、But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.───可是,如果对飞机乘客的要求过于苛刻,或者相应的安全保障太少,反过来就不利于民众对安检的支持。
5、They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.───他们认为这项修改会逐渐损坏加拿大联邦主义。
6、Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed.───欺骗会PoHuai信心和DuLi性:行骗者是骗子,他/她知道如果不去欺骗,他/她就会失败。
7、When a girl is deprived of an education or her mother is denied equal rights, it undermines the prosperity of their nation.───一位女孩如果被剥夺了接受教育的权利,或她的母亲被剥夺了平等的权利,她们国家的繁荣就会受到PoHuai。
8、And when a weak economy undermines job security, he said, workers may simply have to accept reduced benefits.───当衰退的经济逐渐损害职业保障时,他说,工人们也只能接受减少的福利。
9、For the rest, like an autoimmune disease, the curse undermines the ability of a country to build defences against it.───至于其它国家,这种诅咒会像自体免疫性疾病一样,PoHuai它们建立防范机制的能力。
1、agencies under executive branch───行政分支机构
2、under watch───监视之下
3、clearly understand───清楚地了解;清楚地明白;明了
4、underground parking───地下停车场
5、soreness underarm───腋下酸痛
6、thundering waters───雷鸣般的海水
7、blunders on the danube───多瑙河上的失误
8、bear up under───承受
9、thunder tickets───雷霆门票
10、under separate cover───adv.在另函中
1、Furthermore, the special treatment undermines attempts to turn North Korea into a normal member of the international community.───此外,在此事上对ChaoXian的特殊对待,PoHuai了将ChaoXian转变为国际社会正常一员的努力。
2、Biden condemned the announcement, saying it undermines the trust needed to restart negotiations, which have broken off for more than a year.───BaiDeng对该决定提出谴责。他表示,这危害了重新谈判所需要的信任。双方的谈判在一年多以前就已经破裂。
3、When you take the time to remove the birthmark, also undermines the integrity of her original, so we do not always striving for perfection.───当你把胎记去除的时候,也PoHuai了她原来的完整性,所以我们不要总是追求完美。
4、But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.───可是,如果对飞机乘客的要求过于苛刻,或者相应的安全保障太少,反过来就不利于民众对安检的支持。
5、They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.───他们认为这项修改会逐渐损坏加拿大联邦主义。
6、Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed.───欺骗会PoHuai信心和DuLi性:行骗者是骗子,他/她知道如果不去欺骗,他/她就会失败。
7、When a girl is deprived of an education or her mother is denied equal rights, it undermines the prosperity of their nation.───一位女孩如果被剥夺了接受教育的权利,或她的母亲被剥夺了平等的权利,她们国家的繁荣就会受到PoHuai。
8、And when a weak economy undermines job security, he said, workers may simply have to accept reduced benefits.───当衰退的经济逐渐损害职业保障时,他说,工人们也只能接受减少的福利。
9、For the rest, like an autoimmune disease, the curse undermines the ability of a country to build defences against it.───至于其它国家,这种诅咒会像自体免疫性疾病一样,PoHuai它们建立防范机制的能力。
1、Frustration quickly undermines otherwise strong relationships.
2、Criticism just undermines their confidence.
3、Any disease which undermines a man's general health will interfere with his sperm production.
4、This, it is alleged, undermines the rule of law.
5、But the growth of the population continually undermines their efforts.
6、They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.
7、Business crime undermines public faith in the business system.
8、This rather undermines his credibility as a detached observer.
9、And yet, the archaeological evidence undermines this idea.