1、Much of this lost output is likely to be merely deferred, as those taking their holiday next week make up the lost time later in the year.───在损失的产出当中,有很大一部分可能只是被延后,因为本周休假的人们会在今年晚些时候把损失掉的工作时间给补上。
2、But the notion that it could possibly compensate for years of lost output and lost jobs seems wholly implausible.───但是,说它可能可以补偿多年的产出损失和工作损失,那就太没有说服力了。
3、Toyota plans to significantly rev up production to make up for lost output after the disaster-triggered manufacturing disruption.───丰田计划大大加快生产,以弥补生产因灾难中断造成的产量损失。
4、Lost output certainly matters, not least because workers shut out of the job market for too long tend to become permanently discouraged.───产出萎缩当然值得重视,这主要是因为,被挡在就业市场门外太久的劳动者往往会永久性地变得心灰意冷。
5、Think of the lost output as a Christmas present that has been delayed-but eventually turns up.───想想“损失的”产量,就像被延迟的圣诞礼物最终还是会出现。
6、The lost output, compared to the world economy's potential growth in a normal year, could be between three and four trillion dollars.───与正常年份世界经济的潜在增长率相比,产出损失可达到3至4万亿美元。
7、The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.───该公司同意保持高产出水平以补偿损失掉的供应品。
8、RISING debt and lost output are the common measures of the cost of the financial crisis.───债务上升,输出减少,这是金融危机造成的最常见的损失。
lost output(英语使用场景)
1、Difference-of-squares circuit uses feedback attenuation to compensate for lost output Fig. 4.
2、We reckon that sitting in traffic jams costs us around $9 billion a year in lost output.
lost output(意思翻译)
lost output(相似词语短语)
1、rated output───[电]额定输出;[计划]额定产量;额定功率;额定产量,额定输出量,额定出力[功率]
2、production output───[经] 生产量
3、daily output───[化] 日产量; [经] 日产量;[工经]日产量
4、digital output───数位输出;数字输出
5、output bin───出料仓
7、output device───[计]输出设备
8、assignable output───可分配输出
9、sample output───抽样输出;[计]样值输出
lost output(双语使用场景)
1、Much of this lost output is likely to be merely deferred, as those taking their holiday next week make up the lost time later in the year.───在损失的产出当中,有很大一部分可能只是被延后,因为本周休假的人们会在今年晚些时候把损失掉的工作时间给补上。
2、But the notion that it could possibly compensate for years of lost output and lost jobs seems wholly implausible.───但是,说它可能可以补偿多年的产出损失和工作损失,那就太没有说服力了。
3、Toyota plans to significantly rev up production to make up for lost output after the disaster-triggered manufacturing disruption.───丰田计划大大加快生产,以弥补生产因灾难中断造成的产量损失。
4、Lost output certainly matters, not least because workers shut out of the job market for too long tend to become permanently discouraged.───产出萎缩当然值得重视,这主要是因为,被挡在就业市场门外太久的劳动者往往会永久性地变得心灰意冷。
5、Think of the lost output as a Christmas present that has been delayed-but eventually turns up.───想想“损失的”产量,就像被延迟的圣诞礼物最终还是会出现。
6、The lost output, compared to the world economy's potential growth in a normal year, could be between three and four trillion dollars.───与正常年份世界经济的潜在增长率相比,产出损失可达到3至4万亿美元。
7、The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.───该公司同意保持高产出水平以补偿损失掉的供应品。
8、RISING debt and lost output are the common measures of the cost of the financial crisis.───债务上升,输出减少,这是金融危机造成的最常见的损失。
lost output(英语使用场景)
1、Difference-of-squares circuit uses feedback attenuation to compensate for lost output Fig. 4.
2、We reckon that sitting in traffic jams costs us around $9 billion a year in lost output.