1、Whether or not they said anything I can't remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I don't know.───如今我已记不起他们当时有没有说些什么,我也不知道人们是否都不由自主地举起了双手。
2、The latest suggests that academic performance improves if children are not allowed to put their hands up in class.───最新的研究指出,如果不允许学生在课堂上举手回答问题,他们的学习成绩会有所提高。
3、I once asked a group of oncologists in New York to put their hands up if they took aspirin.───我曾经提问一个纽约的肿瘤学家小组,如果服用过阿司匹林的请举手。
4、They told everybody to stop and put their hands up and asked if there were any British or Americans.───他们要求所有人不许乱动,举起手,并且询问这儿有没有英国人或者美国人。
5、come on! please i want to see everybody put their hands up like this! and put it down like this!───来吧!我要你们每个人都把手这样举起来!再这样放下来!(上下挥动的意思)
put their hands up(意思翻译)
put their hands up(相似词语短语)
1、put me up───给我提供住宿
2、put up up───竖起
3、put up by───提出
4、hands up───举起手来
5、put your hands───把手放好
6、put their───把他们的
7、put her hands on───把她的手放在
8、put up───张贴;提供;建造;举起;提高;推举,提名;供给…住宿;直接行动
put their hands up(双语使用场景)
1、Whether or not they said anything I can't remember to this day, or whether people just automatically put their hands up I don't know.───如今我已记不起他们当时有没有说些什么,我也不知道人们是否都不由自主地举起了双手。
2、The latest suggests that academic performance improves if children are not allowed to put their hands up in class.───最新的研究指出,如果不允许学生在课堂上举手回答问题,他们的学习成绩会有所提高。
3、I once asked a group of oncologists in New York to put their hands up if they took aspirin.───我曾经提问一个纽约的肿瘤学家小组,如果服用过阿司匹林的请举手。
4、They told everybody to stop and put their hands up and asked if there were any British or Americans.───他们要求所有人不许乱动,举起手,并且询问这儿有没有英国人或者美国人。
5、come on! please i want to see everybody put their hands up like this! and put it down like this!───来吧!我要你们每个人都把手这样举起来!再这样放下来!(上下挥动的意思)