1、create the single tree view of the filesystem by mounting the filesystems on different devices at a point in the tree called a mount point.───通过在称为挂载点的点将文件XiTong挂载到不同的设备上来创建文件XiTong的单一树形视图。
2、As well as erecting the White House's official Christmas tree, the Obamas will also light the National Christmas tree in Washington DC on Thursday.───就像架设白宫的官方圣诞树一样,奥巴马一家也将在周四点亮华盛顿特区的国家圣诞树。
3、we want to do now is to move the tree viewer to the left and put a table view on the right showing a list of the files in the folder we have selected in the tree viewer.───我们现在要做的是将树查看器移到左边,将一个表查看器放在右边,以显示在树查看器中已选中的文件夹中的文件列表。
on the tree in the tree(意思翻译)
on the tree in the tree(相似词语短语)
1、under the tree───在树下
2、climbing the tree───爬树
3、up the tree───在树上
4、the money tree───钱树
5、at the tree───在树上
6、on the tree───在树上(原生物)
7、the give tree───给树
8、by the tree───在树旁
9、in the tree───在树上(外来物)
on the tree in the tree(双语使用场景)
1、create the single tree view of the filesystem by mounting the filesystems on different devices at a point in the tree called a mount point.───通过在称为挂载点的点将文件XiTong挂载到不同的设备上来创建文件XiTong的单一树形视图。
2、As well as erecting the White House's official Christmas tree, the Obamas will also light the National Christmas tree in Washington DC on Thursday.───就像架设白宫的官方圣诞树一样,奥巴马一家也将在周四点亮华盛顿特区的国家圣诞树。
3、we want to do now is to move the tree viewer to the left and put a table view on the right showing a list of the files in the folder we have selected in the tree viewer.───我们现在要做的是将树查看器移到左边,将一个表查看器放在右边,以显示在树查看器中已选中的文件夹中的文件列表。