1、like a karaoke favorite. The melody is not very good and very repetitious, while the lyrics are like limericks. I was shocked and embarrassed when it became a hit.───我觉得这首歌旋律并不很好,有很多重复,歌词也像个打油诗,我当时对于这首歌走红真的非常惊讶并甚至有些难为情。
2、is because karaoke is a kind of sing-along where the instrumental track plays while any tone-deaf romantic with a drink inside them can bellow out the lyrics.───是因为,卡拉ok描绘的现象是:当只有乐器声音的声轨播放时,任何乐盲,都可以一边饮酒,一边跟着吼歌词。
karaoke lyrics(意思翻译)
karaoke lyrics(相似词语短语)
1、karaoke bar───卡拉OK厅
2、karaoke microphone───卡拉OK麦克风
3、sing karaoke───唱卡拉OK
4、karaoke bars───歌厅
5、stitches karaoke───缝针卡拉OK
6、unwritten karaoke───不成文的卡拉OK
7、older karaoke───老式卡拉OK
8、faded lyrics karaoke───褪色的卡拉OK歌词
9、speechless karaoke───无言卡拉OK
karaoke lyrics(双语使用场景)
1、like a karaoke favorite. The melody is not very good and very repetitious, while the lyrics are like limericks. I was shocked and embarrassed when it became a hit.───我觉得这首歌旋律并不很好,有很多重复,歌词也像个打油诗,我当时对于这首歌走红真的非常惊讶并甚至有些难为情。
2、is because karaoke is a kind of sing-along where the instrumental track plays while any tone-deaf romantic with a drink inside them can bellow out the lyrics.───是因为,卡拉ok描绘的现象是:当只有乐器声音的声轨播放时,任何乐盲,都可以一边饮酒,一边跟着吼歌词。