1、before dawn to join the daily ritual of Tak Bat, when the women of this ancient town in Laos give rice to Buddhist monks as they file along the street, I am wilting, too.───我感到精神萎靡——为了参加每日的布施仪式,我黎明前就起床了。 在老挝这个古老的市镇,妇女们每天早上要向街上排队走过的和尚们分发米饭。
2、In the majority of the Buddhist faith groups, particularly women, a number of Buddhist believers.───在广大的佛教信仰群体中,妇女佛教信众的数量远远超过男性群体。
3、nuns refer to the women who are engaged in the activities of Buddhist in their full lives, including novices Niger, Nigeria and nuns of the fork.───尼僧,是指专门从事佛教活动的出家女性,包括沙弥尼、式叉尼和比丘尼。
buddhist women(意思翻译)
buddhist women(相似词语短语)
1、buddhist meditation───佛教冥想
2、buddhist quotes───佛教名言
3、buddhist mantras───佛经
5、buddhist monk───僧;浮屠;阇黎;比丘;头陀,和尚;比丘
6、buddhist beliefs───佛教信仰
7、buddhist sutras───佛经
9、buddhist temple───佛寺;佛堂;佛庙
buddhist women(双语使用场景)
1、before dawn to join the daily ritual of Tak Bat, when the women of this ancient town in Laos give rice to Buddhist monks as they file along the street, I am wilting, too.───我感到精神萎靡——为了参加每日的布施仪式,我黎明前就起床了。 在老挝这个古老的市镇,妇女们每天早上要向街上排队走过的和尚们分发米饭。
2、In the majority of the Buddhist faith groups, particularly women, a number of Buddhist believers.───在广大的佛教信仰群体中,妇女佛教信众的数量远远超过男性群体。
3、nuns refer to the women who are engaged in the activities of Buddhist in their full lives, including novices Niger, Nigeria and nuns of the fork.───尼僧,是指专门从事佛教活动的出家女性,包括沙弥尼、式叉尼和比丘尼。