1、A distance measure is computed between permutations of the same string, which represent various single machine schedules.───距离量测运算运用于相同字元间的互换,代表不同的单一机台之排程。
2、It has been proved that this distance measure is more efficient than the Euclidean distance.───实验证明,这种距离测量方式要比欧氏距离测量方式更有效。
3、We propose two methods of similarity measurement: entropy difference distance measure(ED) and maximum relative entropy distance measure(MRE) .───提出了两种基于信息嫡的相似性度量方法:嫡差分距离度量和最大相关嫡度量。
4、relations between similarity measure and distance measure of Vague sets are analyzed.───相似测度与距离测度之间的关系。
5、The dissimilarity between two EEG epochs can be qualified via a simple distance measure between the distributions of order patterns.───该方法通过计算排序模式分布的距离来分析两段脑电信号的相异性。
6、Various distance measures between brands may be constructed and used as weights to create cross-price indices for each distance measure.───各项措施之间的距离,品牌可能是建造和使用的重量,创造两岸的物价指数为每个距离测度。
7、In general, under different distance measure definition, the classifiers with same mechanism will have different performances.───在不同的范数定义下,相同分类机理的分类算法一般会有不同的分类效果。
8、The spectral histogram with the associated distance measure exhibits several properties that are necessary for texture classification.───谱直方图距离的相关措施,展品的几个性质所必需的纹理分类。
9、Based on this idea, the software of ultrasonic distance measure system have been designed.───此基础上,设计了相应的ChaoShengBo测距XiTong的软件。
distance measure(英语使用场景)
1、The algorithm adopts the piecewise linear representation and improved series pattern distance measure.
2、In this paper, based on the error theory, the mean square error of elevation difference median in bilateral observation of subtend trigonometric distance measure is presumed.
3、We take anti - jamming measures with emergency of sign faintness and SNR decrease for long distance measure.
4、The relations between similarity measure and distance measure of Vague sets are analyzed.
5、In addition, based on a semantic syntax-directed translation from pure patterns to distorted patterns, a distance measure including both semantics and syntax is proposed.
6、The technique supports Euclidean distance measure and L - shift Euclidean distance measure.
7、This paper introduce a sort of new numeric terminal which can use DSP and FPGA to realize double functions, they are distance measure by pulse responsion and incept of dictate data.
8、To resolve the unclassifiable region of one-against-one support vector machine for multiclass problems, an improved one-against-one support vector machine based on distance measure is presented.
distance measure(意思翻译)
distance measure(相似词语短语)
1、meddlesome measure───多管闲事的措施
2、perpendicular distance───垂直距离;垂(直)距(离)
3、distance piece───定距块;隔离段;隔离段,定距块
5、probability measure───概率度量,概率测度;[数]概率测度;机率测度
6、mitigative measure───缓解措施
7、considerable distance───相当远的距离
8、distancing measure───[测]距离测度
distance measure(双语使用场景)
1、A distance measure is computed between permutations of the same string, which represent various single machine schedules.───距离量测运算运用于相同字元间的互换,代表不同的单一机台之排程。
2、It has been proved that this distance measure is more efficient than the Euclidean distance.───实验证明,这种距离测量方式要比欧氏距离测量方式更有效。
3、We propose two methods of similarity measurement: entropy difference distance measure(ED) and maximum relative entropy distance measure(MRE) .───提出了两种基于信息嫡的相似性度量方法:嫡差分距离度量和最大相关嫡度量。
4、relations between similarity measure and distance measure of Vague sets are analyzed.───相似测度与距离测度之间的关系。
5、The dissimilarity between two EEG epochs can be qualified via a simple distance measure between the distributions of order patterns.───该方法通过计算排序模式分布的距离来分析两段脑电信号的相异性。
6、Various distance measures between brands may be constructed and used as weights to create cross-price indices for each distance measure.───各项措施之间的距离,品牌可能是建造和使用的重量,创造两岸的物价指数为每个距离测度。
7、In general, under different distance measure definition, the classifiers with same mechanism will have different performances.───在不同的范数定义下,相同分类机理的分类算法一般会有不同的分类效果。
8、The spectral histogram with the associated distance measure exhibits several properties that are necessary for texture classification.───谱直方图距离的相关措施,展品的几个性质所必需的纹理分类。
9、Based on this idea, the software of ultrasonic distance measure system have been designed.───此基础上,设计了相应的ChaoShengBo测距XiTong的软件。
distance measure(英语使用场景)
1、The algorithm adopts the piecewise linear representation and improved series pattern distance measure.
2、In this paper, based on the error theory, the mean square error of elevation difference median in bilateral observation of subtend trigonometric distance measure is presumed.
3、We take anti - jamming measures with emergency of sign faintness and SNR decrease for long distance measure.
4、The relations between similarity measure and distance measure of Vague sets are analyzed.
5、In addition, based on a semantic syntax-directed translation from pure patterns to distorted patterns, a distance measure including both semantics and syntax is proposed.
6、The technique supports Euclidean distance measure and L - shift Euclidean distance measure.
7、This paper introduce a sort of new numeric terminal which can use DSP and FPGA to realize double functions, they are distance measure by pulse responsion and incept of dictate data.
8、To resolve the unclassifiable region of one-against-one support vector machine for multiclass problems, an improved one-against-one support vector machine based on distance measure is presented.