1、For example, consider a typical home network with four computers connected to a wireless access point (WAP) or router with an outbound connection through a cable or DSL modem.───例如,考虑一个典型的家庭网络,其中有四台计算机连接到无线访问点(WAP),或者通过电缆或dsl调制解调器向外连接的路由器。
2、Industry: Switch; Group Phone; Communication cable; Router; Answering machine; Tel meter;───所属行业:交换机;集团电话;通讯电缆;路由器;电话答录机;电话计费器;;
3、This is typically used to detect network failures (cable, switch, router, and so on) where the processes stay running but the communication between them fails.───这通常用于检测网络故障(电缆、交换机、路由器,等等),其中进程仍然运行但它们之间的通信失败。
4、The Pontus desk (image below) is a generously proportioned partner desk combining walnut, oak and painted finish with cable management system and hidden router/hard drive storage built-in.───中的Pontus办公桌使用了胡桃木,橡木和油漆表面,有电线收纳XiTong和隐藏的路由器或硬盘储存空间。
cable router(意思翻译)
cable router(相似词语短语)
1、cnc router───数控雕刻机
2、magnate router───大路由器
3、cable trunkings───电缆槽
4、headpiece cable───机头电缆
5、frayed cable───Frayed电缆
6、unsheathed cable───无护套电缆
7、react router───反应路由器
8、bad router───坏路由器
cable router(双语使用场景)
1、For example, consider a typical home network with four computers connected to a wireless access point (WAP) or router with an outbound connection through a cable or DSL modem.───例如,考虑一个典型的家庭网络,其中有四台计算机连接到无线访问点(WAP),或者通过电缆或dsl调制解调器向外连接的路由器。
2、Industry: Switch; Group Phone; Communication cable; Router; Answering machine; Tel meter;───所属行业:交换机;集团电话;通讯电缆;路由器;电话答录机;电话计费器;;
3、This is typically used to detect network failures (cable, switch, router, and so on) where the processes stay running but the communication between them fails.───这通常用于检测网络故障(电缆、交换机、路由器,等等),其中进程仍然运行但它们之间的通信失败。
4、The Pontus desk (image below) is a generously proportioned partner desk combining walnut, oak and painted finish with cable management system and hidden router/hard drive storage built-in.───中的Pontus办公桌使用了胡桃木,橡木和油漆表面,有电线收纳XiTong和隐藏的路由器或硬盘储存空间。