1、In view of the lower fitting degree of commonly used K-distribution model for various sea, especially for low sea state cluster, an improved K-distribution model was proposed.───鉴于目前最常用的K分布模型对各种海态下特别是低海态海杂波的统计特性拟合程度不高,提出了改进K分布模型。
2、By fitting the experimental data, the cluster unit rheological parameters of different fly ash content concrete were determined.───通过对试验数据进行拟合,确定不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土簇单元的流变参数。
cluster fitting(意思翻译)
cluster fitting(相似词语短语)
2、polybasic cluster───多元簇
4、star cluster───n.星团;[天]星团
5、stilbite cluster───细晶簇
6、cluster sampling───分群[组]抽象法;分组取样;类集抽样;巢式抽样法
7、perfect fitting───完全配合;完全拟合
8、cluster size───簇大小
9、globular cluster───[天]球状星团
cluster fitting(双语使用场景)
1、In view of the lower fitting degree of commonly used K-distribution model for various sea, especially for low sea state cluster, an improved K-distribution model was proposed.───鉴于目前最常用的K分布模型对各种海态下特别是低海态海杂波的统计特性拟合程度不高,提出了改进K分布模型。
2、By fitting the experimental data, the cluster unit rheological parameters of different fly ash content concrete were determined.───通过对试验数据进行拟合,确定不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土簇单元的流变参数。