1、ideas on improvement in prestressing process are raised according to the observation and analysis on modulus of elasticity, apparent yield limit, tensional strength and percentage elongation.───根据对弹性模量、非比例强度、抗拉强度和断裂伸长率的观察分析,提出了预应力钢丝张拉施工工艺的改进意见。
2、Each root's maximum elongation ratio ranged from 50% to 70%, elasticity scope was 30-50 percent. Among C5-T1 roots, C7 root's maximum strength, elasticity were greater than that of other.───各神经根的最大延长率为50% - 70%,弹性度为30% - 50%,其中以C_7神经根为最大,且C_7神经根的强度、弹力极限也高于其他神经根。
3、The results indicated that with the increase of the content of the extender oil, the tensile strength decreased, while the elasticity increased and elongation at break improved.───结果表明:随着填充油用量的增加,拉伸强度下降,弹性回复增加,断裂伸长率也增大。
elasticity of elongation(意思翻译)
elasticity of elongation(相似词语短语)
1、radicle elongation───胚根伸长
4、elongation cuisse───大腿伸展
5、elongation meaning───伸长意义
6、modulus of elasticity───[力]弹性模量,[力]弹性模数
7、elasticity of substitution───[经]替代弹性;代替弹性
8、elasticity of supply───供给弹性;供应弹性
9、internode elongation───节间伸长
elasticity of elongation(双语使用场景)
1、ideas on improvement in prestressing process are raised according to the observation and analysis on modulus of elasticity, apparent yield limit, tensional strength and percentage elongation.───根据对弹性模量、非比例强度、抗拉强度和断裂伸长率的观察分析,提出了预应力钢丝张拉施工工艺的改进意见。
2、Each root's maximum elongation ratio ranged from 50% to 70%, elasticity scope was 30-50 percent. Among C5-T1 roots, C7 root's maximum strength, elasticity were greater than that of other.───各神经根的最大延长率为50% - 70%,弹性度为30% - 50%,其中以C_7神经根为最大,且C_7神经根的强度、弹力极限也高于其他神经根。
3、The results indicated that with the increase of the content of the extender oil, the tensile strength decreased, while the elasticity increased and elongation at break improved.───结果表明:随着填充油用量的增加,拉伸强度下降,弹性回复增加,断裂伸长率也增大。