1、So here I am with the couple, the three of us shrinking at the foot of Calvary about to be up, you know.───于是,我和那对恋人一起,我们三个我们三个缩成一团,仿佛于骷髅地脚下,准备受罚。
2、If I get a liver transplant, so here I am and we take out my liver and we put Johns' liver inside.───如果我接受肝脏移植手术,现在我们把我的肝脏取出来,把约翰斯的肝脏放进去。
3、So here I am watching a tennis match with some friends on a Friday night. Wimbolden just started and I have to say.───周五晚上和朋友们看了场网球比赛,温布尔登才刚刚开始。
4、So, here I am trying to work this earthquake business into a column about air travel.───好吧,我现在试着把地震的事儿穿ChaDao关于空中旅行的专栏里。
5、So here I am offering some suggestion of a short practice, what you can easily try to read everyday.───在此我推荐一个简短的修持法门,方便你可以试着每日读诵。
6、And so here I am. Enjoying my retirement.───所以我在这里享受退休时光。
7、I just couldn't get used to living in a big city, so here I am back in school taking courses for a teacher's certificate.───我只是无法适应大城市的生活,所以我这就又回到了学校,参加JiaoShiZiGeZheng书的课程。
8、So here I am, in the middle of my life, filling up my own room.───所以,这就是我。中年的我,填充着属于自己的房间。
9、Well, I thought I'd come to see you, so here I am.───额,我想来看你,所以我就在这里了。
so here i am(英语使用场景)
1、So here I am, without a girlfriend again. Oh well, such is life.
2、Well, it caught fire, so here I am with the fire insurance proceeds.
3、So , here I am relocated, and ready for fun!
4、So here I am extolling the worth of twenty minutes' silent meditation as a means of renewing and refreshing your channels.
5、And so here I am today, 19 years later, an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown, Ohio.
so here i am(意思翻译)
so here i am(相似词语短语)
1、so I am───我也是
2、I am here───我在这里 (T V)
3、I am new here───我是新来的
4、i am so───我是如此
5、here i am lord───我就是主
6、here i am───我在这里(歌曲名称)
7、so am I───我也是
8、so here───所以这里
9、i am right here───我就在这里
so here i am(双语使用场景)
1、So here I am with the couple, the three of us shrinking at the foot of Calvary about to be up, you know.───于是,我和那对恋人一起,我们三个我们三个缩成一团,仿佛于骷髅地脚下,准备受罚。
2、If I get a liver transplant, so here I am and we take out my liver and we put Johns' liver inside.───如果我接受肝脏移植手术,现在我们把我的肝脏取出来,把约翰斯的肝脏放进去。
3、So here I am watching a tennis match with some friends on a Friday night. Wimbolden just started and I have to say.───周五晚上和朋友们看了场网球比赛,温布尔登才刚刚开始。
4、So, here I am trying to work this earthquake business into a column about air travel.───好吧,我现在试着把地震的事儿穿ChaDao关于空中旅行的专栏里。
5、So here I am offering some suggestion of a short practice, what you can easily try to read everyday.───在此我推荐一个简短的修持法门,方便你可以试着每日读诵。
6、And so here I am. Enjoying my retirement.───所以我在这里享受退休时光。
7、I just couldn't get used to living in a big city, so here I am back in school taking courses for a teacher's certificate.───我只是无法适应大城市的生活,所以我这就又回到了学校,参加JiaoShiZiGeZheng书的课程。
8、So here I am, in the middle of my life, filling up my own room.───所以,这就是我。中年的我,填充着属于自己的房间。
9、Well, I thought I'd come to see you, so here I am.───额,我想来看你,所以我就在这里了。
so here i am(英语使用场景)
1、So here I am, without a girlfriend again. Oh well, such is life.
2、Well, it caught fire, so here I am with the fire insurance proceeds.
3、So , here I am relocated, and ready for fun!
4、So here I am extolling the worth of twenty minutes' silent meditation as a means of renewing and refreshing your channels.
5、And so here I am today, 19 years later, an Ursuline Sister of Youngstown, Ohio.