1、Still remember the boy who made you laugh so happily but always failed in the exam?───还记得那个让你笑得很开心但自己考试总是不及格的男生吗?
2、Look, meteors, quick wishing! the girl took the boy excitedly laugh. So the boy girl made a wish, and hid in his heart.───快看,流星,快许愿!”女孩拉着男孩兴奋地笑。于是男孩女孩许了一个愿望,藏在了自己的心灵深处。
made the boy laugh(意思翻译)
made the boy laugh(相似词语短语)
1、the boy───男孩
2、made the beds───整理床铺
3、made the song───唱这首歌
4、made laugh───使......发笑
5、made the bed───铺床,整理床铺
6、kids laugh───孩子们笑
8、made the bads───做了坏事
9、wheezing laugh───喘息的笑声
made the boy laugh(双语使用场景)
1、Still remember the boy who made you laugh so happily but always failed in the exam?───还记得那个让你笑得很开心但自己考试总是不及格的男生吗?
2、Look, meteors, quick wishing! the girl took the boy excitedly laugh. So the boy girl made a wish, and hid in his heart.───快看,流星,快许愿!”女孩拉着男孩兴奋地笑。于是男孩女孩许了一个愿望,藏在了自己的心灵深处。
3、He made the boy laugh.───他使那个男孩笑了。