1、What of that later Greece, Pericles' "golden age, " which we tend to think of as the height of civilization?───那关于之后的希腊,我们倾向于将其视为高度文明的伯里克利的“黄金时代”呢?
2、The salient facts of this belief summary will serve to show how discordant Pericles was with much of the life of his city.───这个简短摘要里的一些突出的事实,足以说明伯利克里和他的城市的生活的许多方面是多么的不协调。
3、Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak.───克利当政时期雅典臻于鼎盛。
4、After Pericles'death, the Athenians'unrestrained desire resulted in the Sicilian expedition and finally led to a huge failure and much pain.───西西里远征是伯里克利逝世后雅典人不能节制欲望的结果,并最终导致了巨大的失败和痛苦。
5、Dreaming souls weary of our time have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of Pericles.───幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利·克里时代去。
6、Because part of the point of politics is to honor people like Pericles.───因为政治的部分要点,就是给伯里克利这样的人以荣誉。
7、I would also add the names of Pericles Lincoln and Churchill.───我还要加一些名字,像是伯里克·利斯,林肯,丘吉尔。
8、The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles, FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose.───海跟不幸的配力克里斯真是冤家对头,他们离泰尔还老远的时候,海上又起了一场可怕的风暴。
9、dreaming souls , weary of our time , have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of pericles.───爱好幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利克里时代去。
1、What of that later Greece, Pericles' "golden age, " which we tend to think of as the height of civilization?───那关于之后的希腊,我们倾向于将其视为高度文明的伯里克利的“黄金时代”呢?
2、The salient facts of this belief summary will serve to show how discordant Pericles was with much of the life of his city.───这个简短摘要里的一些突出的事实,足以说明伯利克里和他的城市的生活的许多方面是多么的不协调。
3、Pericles was in Athens are reaching its peak.───克利当政时期雅典臻于鼎盛。
4、After Pericles'death, the Athenians'unrestrained desire resulted in the Sicilian expedition and finally led to a huge failure and much pain.───西西里远征是伯里克利逝世后雅典人不能节制欲望的结果,并最终导致了巨大的失败和痛苦。
5、Dreaming souls weary of our time have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of Pericles.───幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利·克里时代去。
6、Because part of the point of politics is to honor people like Pericles.───因为政治的部分要点,就是给伯里克利这样的人以荣誉。
7、I would also add the names of Pericles Lincoln and Churchill.───我还要加一些名字,像是伯里克·利斯,林肯,丘吉尔。
8、The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles, FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose.───海跟不幸的配力克里斯真是冤家对头,他们离泰尔还老远的时候,海上又起了一场可怕的风暴。
9、dreaming souls , weary of our time , have desired to be transferred to the sublime age of pericles.───爱好幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利克里时代去。