6、vaccinia virus past present and future───痘苗病毒的过去、现在和未来
7、past is past───过去就是过去
8、was present───出席
past and present(双语使用场景)
1、But I see deeper links between artisans of the past and present that I'd like to explore with you this month.───但是我看到了过去和现在的工匠们之间更深层的联系,在这个月里,我将同大家一起探究这个问题。
2、Her letters conflate past and present.───她的信把过去与现在结合在一起。
3、the city where past and present meet.───过去和现在在这座城市里交汇成一体。
4、Grace Lei, HTC's general counsel, said the company continues to deny all of Apple's past and present claims.───宏达电的总法律顾问GraceLei表示,公司继续否认苹果以前及现在的所有指控。
5、both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind.───从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。
6、Review their past and present billing information.───查看过去和现在的账单信息。
7、The cash flow of the past and present should be able to well reflect the value and bankrupt probability of the company.───过去和现在的现金流量应能很好地反映公司的价值和破产概率。
8、To see the heights of great political leaders both past and present, click here for the Guardian's compilation.───想去看看过去和现在的伟大政治LingDaoRen的身高,请点击此处查看《卫报》收录的数据。
9、I'm just a very strong believer in it because the best players out there in the world - past and present - have given us that information.───我非常相信这个方法,因为世界上最好的球员——过去的和现在的——给了我们这个信息。
past and present(英语使用场景)
1、Or to know more about Olympic athletes past and present.
2、I had my soul, past and present, taken apart by a psychiatrist.
3、Her past and present offer hope for little girls like Tamika.
4、Past and present - Time, the old enemy, again.
5、The tangled web of their past and present balled against the rage of Ruth's emotions.
6、Developed countries are responsible for most past and present emissions: developing countries will account for nearly all future growth.
7、Great literary figures past and present.
8、Her letters conflate past and present.
9、Opposite Past and present meet in Hong Kong Harbour today.
past and present(意思翻译)
past and present(相似词语短语)
1、christmas present───圣诞礼物
2、present───adj.现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现在时(态)的;v.颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露;n.礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;(举枪的)瞄准
3、roumania past and present───鲁曼尼亚的过去和现在
4、present iheat───现在我热
6、vaccinia virus past present and future───痘苗病毒的过去、现在和未来
7、past is past───过去就是过去
8、was present───出席
past and present(双语使用场景)
1、But I see deeper links between artisans of the past and present that I'd like to explore with you this month.───但是我看到了过去和现在的工匠们之间更深层的联系,在这个月里,我将同大家一起探究这个问题。
2、Her letters conflate past and present.───她的信把过去与现在结合在一起。
3、the city where past and present meet.───过去和现在在这座城市里交汇成一体。
4、Grace Lei, HTC's general counsel, said the company continues to deny all of Apple's past and present claims.───宏达电的总法律顾问GraceLei表示,公司继续否认苹果以前及现在的所有指控。
5、both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind.───从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。
6、Review their past and present billing information.───查看过去和现在的账单信息。
7、The cash flow of the past and present should be able to well reflect the value and bankrupt probability of the company.───过去和现在的现金流量应能很好地反映公司的价值和破产概率。
8、To see the heights of great political leaders both past and present, click here for the Guardian's compilation.───想去看看过去和现在的伟大政治LingDaoRen的身高,请点击此处查看《卫报》收录的数据。
9、I'm just a very strong believer in it because the best players out there in the world - past and present - have given us that information.───我非常相信这个方法,因为世界上最好的球员——过去的和现在的——给了我们这个信息。
past and present(英语使用场景)
1、Or to know more about Olympic athletes past and present.
2、I had my soul, past and present, taken apart by a psychiatrist.
3、Her past and present offer hope for little girls like Tamika.
4、Past and present - Time, the old enemy, again.
5、The tangled web of their past and present balled against the rage of Ruth's emotions.
6、Developed countries are responsible for most past and present emissions: developing countries will account for nearly all future growth.
7、Great literary figures past and present.
8、Her letters conflate past and present.
9、Opposite Past and present meet in Hong Kong Harbour today.