1、It can be seen from theoretical analysis and simulation results that this method can double the total system capacity.───理论分析和FangZhen结果表明,该方法可使XiTong总容量扩大两倍。
2、Then, with an understanding of the total system, each specific component can be discussed in detail.───然后,在了解整个XiTong后,可以详细地讨论每个特定的组件。
3、That's more than double EIA's estimate of the total system levelized cost of wind.───那是风能平准化成本的两倍。
4、Still going to be proportional to the total system energy.───仍然正比于,XiTong的总能量。
5、The wind turbine is the key component in the variable-speed wind power generation system, whose performance influences the total system.───风力机作为变速风力发电机组的重要部分,其性能影响到风力发电机组的整体性能。
6、Q And now the total system partition function is the multiplication of these two.───总配分函数,是这两者之积。
7、This section provides a simulation of a bad hard drive and a total system failure where the operating system cannot recover.───这部分提供了对坏的硬盘驱动器以及Cao作XiTong无法恢复时的总XiTong故障的模拟。
8、Total system view: the details matter.───总的XiTong观点:细节问题。
9、Previously common programme is to reduce the dynamic range (plus or minus rate) changes, managed to reduce the total system's non-linear.───以前普遍采用的方案是尽量减少动态幅度(加减速率)变化,设法降低整机XiTong的非线性。
total system(意思翻译)
total system(相似词语短语)
1、total current───[电]总电流;总电流; 全电流
2、total lift───总升力
3、total payout───支出总额
5、total carton───纸箱总数
6、cumulative total───[会计]累计总数;[经] 累计总数;累积总数
7、total spend───总支出
8、total unhdr───total unhdr
9、total nlcht───总光照
total system(双语使用场景)
1、It can be seen from theoretical analysis and simulation results that this method can double the total system capacity.───理论分析和FangZhen结果表明,该方法可使XiTong总容量扩大两倍。
2、Then, with an understanding of the total system, each specific component can be discussed in detail.───然后,在了解整个XiTong后,可以详细地讨论每个特定的组件。
3、That's more than double EIA's estimate of the total system levelized cost of wind.───那是风能平准化成本的两倍。
4、Still going to be proportional to the total system energy.───仍然正比于,XiTong的总能量。
5、The wind turbine is the key component in the variable-speed wind power generation system, whose performance influences the total system.───风力机作为变速风力发电机组的重要部分,其性能影响到风力发电机组的整体性能。
6、Q And now the total system partition function is the multiplication of these two.───总配分函数,是这两者之积。
7、This section provides a simulation of a bad hard drive and a total system failure where the operating system cannot recover.───这部分提供了对坏的硬盘驱动器以及Cao作XiTong无法恢复时的总XiTong故障的模拟。
8、Total system view: the details matter.───总的XiTong观点:细节问题。
9、Previously common programme is to reduce the dynamic range (plus or minus rate) changes, managed to reduce the total system's non-linear.───以前普遍采用的方案是尽量减少动态幅度(加减速率)变化,设法降低整机XiTong的非线性。