1、One afternoon, Mrs Black is at home. She reads a book.───一天下午,布莱克太太在家。她在读一本书。
2、When a screenplay writer reads a book, its language is only as important as its settings and dialogue--and above all else, its plot.───当一个剧作家看书的时候,书的语言只是和书的背景、对话一样的重要——而最重要的是它的情节。
3、A student reads a book in front of a collapsed ceiling at a library in Veritas secondary school in Soweto, South Africa November 10, 2006.───南非梭维托真理中学的图书馆里,一个学生正在崩塌的天花板前读书。
4、Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always losing her place.───因为无论她在何时看书,孩子们总是打扰她,所以,她老是找不到书看到什么地方了。
5、Anyone who reads a book with a sense of obligation does not understand the art of reading.───一个人如果抱着义务的意识去读书,便不了解读书的艺术。
6、He reads a book in his room.───他在房间里看书。
7、She usually reads a book in the morning.───她通常在早上读一本书。
8、She reads a book.───她读一本书。
9、My personality a fondness for sings a song, dances, plays ball, swims, reads a book.───我的性格爱好唱歌、跳舞、打球、游泳、看书。
reads a book(英语使用场景)
1、She seldom, if ever, reads a book.
2、Who, except the most obsessive academic, reads a book as he hears speech?
reads a book(意思翻译)
reads a book(相似词语短语)
1、mapped reads───映射读取
2、a book───一本书
3、reads tories───托利党人
4、reads books───阅读,读书
5、book a───预订
6、reads a lot───阅读量很大
7、a book───一本书
9、reading a book───看书,读书
reads a book(双语使用场景)
1、One afternoon, Mrs Black is at home. She reads a book.───一天下午,布莱克太太在家。她在读一本书。
2、When a screenplay writer reads a book, its language is only as important as its settings and dialogue--and above all else, its plot.───当一个剧作家看书的时候,书的语言只是和书的背景、对话一样的重要——而最重要的是它的情节。
3、A student reads a book in front of a collapsed ceiling at a library in Veritas secondary school in Soweto, South Africa November 10, 2006.───南非梭维托真理中学的图书馆里,一个学生正在崩塌的天花板前读书。
4、Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always losing her place.───因为无论她在何时看书,孩子们总是打扰她,所以,她老是找不到书看到什么地方了。
5、Anyone who reads a book with a sense of obligation does not understand the art of reading.───一个人如果抱着义务的意识去读书,便不了解读书的艺术。
6、He reads a book in his room.───他在房间里看书。
7、She usually reads a book in the morning.───她通常在早上读一本书。
8、She reads a book.───她读一本书。
9、My personality a fondness for sings a song, dances, plays ball, swims, reads a book.───我的性格爱好唱歌、跳舞、打球、游泳、看书。
reads a book(英语使用场景)
1、She seldom, if ever, reads a book.
2、Who, except the most obsessive academic, reads a book as he hears speech?
3、She seldom or never reads a book.
4、He seldom or never reads a book.