1、The new operating team spent a year more to settle down and refine the operation before original efficiency objectives were met.───新的经营团队花了一年多下来,原来之前,改善运作效率目标的满足了。
2、She spent her free time shopping.───她将空闲时间花在购物上。
3、For example, you may know you spent X amount of dollars developing code, but you won't know how much code was actually developed.───例如,你可能知道你花费了X数量的美元开发代码,但是你不知道实际有多少代码被开发了。
4、He spent four years studying pharmacy.───他花了4年时间学习药剂学。
5、Then, for $750, Srey Neth spent a week with the casino manager. He did not use a condom.───然后为了750美金,SreyNeth与这位赌场经理待了一星期,从没用过安全套。
6、When coming up to the surface, they must spend as much time decompressing as they spent under 50 meters of water.───在回到水面后,他们必须花上在50米的水下相等的时间来减压。
7、Korean-born Jeannie Cho Lee, the only Asian among the world's 279 Masters of Wine, spent two years trying to puzzle out precisely that.───韩国出生的李志延 (Jeannie Cho Lee)是全球279位“葡萄酒大师” (Mastersof Wine)中唯一的亚裔,她花了两年时间来努力给出上述问题的准确答案。
8、My mother loved the sunshine. When she was well-she had a garden and she spent many days in the garden close to the sunshine.───我母亲很喜欢阳光,她身体好的时候都会几天都呆在自己的园子里,享受阳光。
9、He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself.───他养狗花的钱比养自己花的钱还多。
1、The new operating team spent a year more to settle down and refine the operation before original efficiency objectives were met.───新的经营团队花了一年多下来,原来之前,改善运作效率目标的满足了。
2、She spent her free time shopping.───她将空闲时间花在购物上。
3、For example, you may know you spent X amount of dollars developing code, but you won't know how much code was actually developed.───例如,你可能知道你花费了X数量的美元开发代码,但是你不知道实际有多少代码被开发了。
4、He spent four years studying pharmacy.───他花了4年时间学习药剂学。
5、Then, for $750, Srey Neth spent a week with the casino manager. He did not use a condom.───然后为了750美金,SreyNeth与这位赌场经理待了一星期,从没用过安全套。
6、When coming up to the surface, they must spend as much time decompressing as they spent under 50 meters of water.───在回到水面后,他们必须花上在50米的水下相等的时间来减压。
7、Korean-born Jeannie Cho Lee, the only Asian among the world's 279 Masters of Wine, spent two years trying to puzzle out precisely that.───韩国出生的李志延 (Jeannie Cho Lee)是全球279位“葡萄酒大师” (Mastersof Wine)中唯一的亚裔,她花了两年时间来努力给出上述问题的准确答案。
8、My mother loved the sunshine. When she was well-she had a garden and she spent many days in the garden close to the sunshine.───我母亲很喜欢阳光,她身体好的时候都会几天都呆在自己的园子里,享受阳光。
9、He spent more on feeding the dog than he spent on feeding himself.───他养狗花的钱比养自己花的钱还多。